@66 = ~[Imoen]Did ya sleep well?~
@67 = ~Funny you asked. I dreamed about you.~
@68 = ~I had a weird dream. You were in it, too.~
@69 = ~I did. Let's move on.~
@70 = ~[Imoen]Me?~
@71 = ~Yes, you said I abandoned you and that you have nothing left to live for.~
@72 = ~You talked as if I had left you.~
@73 = ~It wasn't funny! Your dream self aksed me to kill you! And you transformed into some blurry beast, and...~
@74 = ~Let's move on.~
@75 = ~"Had to leave you"? Last time I checked, it was your decision!~
@76 = ~No, should I?~
@77 = ~[Imoen]Awww, it's so cute when you worry about me!~
@78 = ~[Imoen]Don't worry, I'm fine. Now, at least, that I am here and on the road again - and with you!~
@79 = ~[Imoen]Alright! No need to be so short tempered.~
@80 = ~[Imoen]Of course it was! Someone got off on the wrong foot today, huh?~
@81 = ~[Imoen]Aw, do you feel guilty because you had to leave me at the palace?~
@66 = ~[Imoen]Habt Ihr gut geschlafen?~
@67 = ~Lustig, dass Ihr fragt. Ich habe von Euch geträumt.~
@68 = ~Ich hatte einen seltsamen Traum. Ihr wart auch darin.~
@69 = ~Habe ich. Lasst uns den Tag beginnen.~
@70 = ~[Imoen]Ich?~
@71 = ~Ja, Ihr sagtet, ich hätte Euch im Stich gelassen und dass es sich für Euch nicht mehr lohnt, weiterzuleben.~
@72 = ~Ihr redetet, als hätte ich Euch verlassen.~
@73 = ~Es war nicht lustig! Eure Traumerscheinung verlangte, dass ich sie töte, und dann verwandeltet Ihr Euch in ein verschwommenes Ungeheuer, und ...~
@74 = ~Lasst uns den Tag beginnen.~
@75 = ~"Zurückgelassen habt"? Soweit ich mich erinnere, war das Eure Entscheidung!~
@76 = ~Nö, sollte ich?~
@77 = ~[Imoen]Oh, das ist so niedlich, wenn Ihr Euch um mich Sorgen macht!~
@78 = ~[Imoen]Keine Sorge, mir geht's gut. Zumindest jetzt, wo ich hier bin und wieder unterwegs - mit Euch!~
@79 = ~[Imoen]Ist ja gut! Kein Grund, so kurz angebunden zu sein.~
@80 = ~[Imoen]War es ja auch! Da ist wohl jemand mit dem falschen Fuß zuerst aufgestanden heute, was?~
@81 = ~[Imoen]Och, habt Ihr ein schlechtes Gewissen, weil Ihr mich im Palast zurückgelassen habt?~
/* After dream "Candlekeep" */
IF ~Global("C#IM_SoDNightmare","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN slayer_dream
SAY @66 /* ~[Imoen]Did ya sleep well?~ */
++ @67 /* ~Funny you asked. I dreamed about you.~ */ + slayer_dream_01
++ @68 /* ~I had a weird dream. You were in it, too.~ */ + slayer_dream_01
++ @69 /* ~I did. Let's move on.~ */ + slayer_dream_05
IF ~~ THEN slayer_dream_01
SAY @70 /* ~[Imoen]Me?~ */
++ @71 /* ~Yes, you said I abandoned you and that you have nothing left to live for.~ */ + slayer_dream_02
++ @72 /* ~You talked as if I had left you.~ */ + slayer_dream_02
++ @73 /* ~It wasn't funny! Your dream self aksed me to kill you! And you transformed into some blurry beast, and...~ */ + slayer_dream_03
++ @74 /* ~Let's move on.~ */ + slayer_dream_05
IF ~~ THEN slayer_dream_02
SAY @81 /* ~[Imoen]Aw, do you feel guilty because you had to leave me at the palace?~ */
++ @73 /* ~It wasn't funny! Your dream self aksed me to kill you! And you transformed into some blurry beast, and...~ */ + slayer_dream_03
++ @75 /* ~"Had to leave you"? Last time I checked, it was your decision!~ */ + slayer_dream_06
++ @76 /* ~No, should I?~ */ + slayer_dream_04
++ @74 /* ~Let's move on.~ */ + slayer_dream_05
IF ~~ THEN slayer_dream_03
SAY @77 /* ~[Imoen]Awww, it's so cute when you worry about me!~ */
IF ~~ THEN + slayer_dream_04
IF ~~ THEN slayer_dream_04
SAY @78 /* ~[Imoen]Don't worry, I'm fine. Now, at least, that I am here and on the road again - with you!~ */
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("C#IM_SoDNightmare","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT
IF ~~ THEN slayer_dream_05
SAY @79 /* ~[Imoen]Alright! No need to be so short tempered.~ */
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("C#IM_SoDNightmare","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT
IF ~~ THEN slayer_dream_06
SAY @80 /* ~[Imoen]Of course it was! Someone got off on the wrong foot today, huh?~ */
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("C#IM_SoDNightmare","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT