NationStates - Issues


Running out of Time
In Terminator (3) versucht man einen weltweiten Computervirus mit dem Superprogramm Skynet (von der Firma Cyberdyne) zu vernichten, den das Militär entwickelt hat. Dummerweise handelt es sich bei beiden um dasselbe Programm mit einem eigenen Bewusstsein und "Muss alle Menschen vernichten"-Wahn. Mit nun vollständiger Kontrolle über alle Technik und Militärmaschinerie übernimmt es die Weltherrschaft usw.
Vermutlich ist das mit Hal kombiniert. Aber vielleicht gabs die Idee schon vor Terminator.


Neo-Euphemist 2.0
Waste Going To Waste, Says Industry Lobby

Government Acts

The Issue

Gullikyn's industries have an ever-growing amount of toxic wastes to dispose of, and doing so in safe ways is becoming prohibitively expensive, leading a group of lobbyists to try and pressure the government into changing existing disposal laws.
The Debate

  1. "These waste dumping laws are destroying our businesses!" rants Freddy Jefferson, head of the Gullikyn Bigger Business Bureau. "We need cheaper ways to eliminate industrial by-products, which really aren't as harmful as people think, such as pouring them into rivers or deep ocean ravines where they're harmless to us. Let's remember that the products we manufacture make your life easier and more fun!"
  2. "A better way to deal with this problem is to convince the public it isn't a problem at all," whispers Sue-Ann Trax, head of Scamcorp, an industrial think tank. "Fudge some research, declare that the chemical by-products from industrial processing and production actually make one's teeth and bones healthier. Then, sell them to municipalities to add to their drinking water! Yes! This will not only save us the trouble of disposing of the waste correctly, we'll be able to sell it at a profit! I can taste the money already!"
  3. "These corrupt, money-hungry corporations are only looking out for themselves and their bottom line!" says Alexei Wu, an environmentalist from northern Gullikyn. "The government needs to enact stricter laws for how these companies can dump their waste safely, and when they poison Gullikyn's people and environment, the government needs the authority and manpower to enforce harsh penalties! These companies make their messes, they should pay to clean them up!"

    This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.

Optionen 1+3 sind klar, aber guckt Euch mal das dazwischen an - es kann die Kohle schon schmecken.. :eek:

Armus Bergstein

Senior Member
To Paint Or Not To Paint?
Government Acts
The Issue

An elite group of highly-qualified, well-respected scientists, lawyers, and doctors are campaigning to outlaw the study of the Arts and Humanities in the Universities of Non-Newtonian Fluids.
The Debate

1. "Why should Arts students get to lounge around reading books and watching daytime TV for hours on end, when some of our hard-working youngsters are dedicating themselves to the study of worthwhile and valuable subjects; studies which will benefit the nation as a whole?" asks Larry Jones, a student engineer. "We should be grooming our young people to help, not sponge off the system. The Arts should be considered a hobby, not a career."

This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.

2. "You can't mean that," gasps Prof. Catherine Gratwick, renowned worldwide for her paintings of trains. "Learning should be done out of love, not duty. The Study of the Arts has been a noble field for many centuries, and learning it is not as easy as you think. I'd rather die than live in a world where creativity is stifled. We should be encouraging young artists, writers, musicians - if only to strengthen Non-Newtonian Fluids's cultural reputation."

3. "What's the point in allowing most young people to continue in further education anyway?" enquires Al Fellow, a factory manager. "Surely most students would be better employed in manual and factory work? You should handpick a select few to study medicine, the law, science, and business of course, and utilise the majority of youth to increase the country's productivity in industry. Academic freedom just gets in the way of a functioning society, I've always said."

Endlich kann ich es den Geistes-"wissenschaftlern" mal so richtig zeigen :fies:


Neo-Euphemist 2.0
Dann hättest Du lieber #2 wählen sollen.. :p


Neo-Euphemist 2.0
..das Ding würde ich so langsam auch ganz gern mal sehen.., wegen der anderen Optionen natürlich.. :)

Stattdessen sowas:

Vote For 'None of the Above'?

The Issue

A loose coalition of political activists running the gamut of the political spectrum has started a petition to add 'None of the Above' as an option on every ballot, so that a voter can reject all candidates if he feels none of them represent a viable option. If 'None of the Above' wins the election, a new election with all-new candidates would have to be held.

The Debate

  1. "It's a simple matter really," says left-wing activist and former rock star Clint Jong-Il. "Sometimes when you're voting, all the options suck. Why then should people be forced to hold their nose and vote for the lesser of two, or even three or four evils? Adding 'None of the Above' to the ballot would ensure that the people have a choice at all times, even if that choice is to reject the choices they have been given!"
  2. "Adding 'None of the Above' to the ballot makes absolutely no sense," contributes conservative political pundit Violet Jong-Il. "Those who want to run for office have already put their names on the ballot, and if none of those options suits the voter, that's just too bad. Instead, we ought to prevent this sort of problem and limit the number of options. Sure, less people can run, but that will eliminate costly runoff elections completely!"
#1 liest sich ja ganz nett, im Ergebnis ergäbe es aber wahrscheinlich nur Kaos und Chosten.. hatte den schon mal jemand (und kann noch davon berichten..)..? :wunder:

Rote Zora

Du kennst das Spiel ziemlich gut. Genau das passiert, dein Volk wählt sich erstmal halb tot. Aber du bekommst auch in der Nationenbeschreibung einen Notiz, dass das Wahlrecht in deinem Land heilig gehalten wird, die irgendwann natürlich wieder verschwindet.


Neo-Euphemist 2.0
elections have become procedural nightmares due to voters persistently rejecting candidates.

Eck-Sack-Zement, aber so erhalte ich mir das notwendige Minimum an "Spaß" an diesem Spiel.. ;)

Rote Zora

Ich hab jetzt auch die Issue, in denen ich Demonstrationen entweder ganz verbieten kann, auf irgendwelche Reservate verbannen soll, oder die Polizei gar nichts mehr tun darf, selbst wenn's in Randale ausbricht. Tolle Alternativen...


Neo-Euphemist 2.0
Och nööö, nicht schon wieder so'n Bockmist, so langsam geht's mir echt auf's Scrotum:

Animal Liberation Front Strikes Again

Government Acts

The Issue

The increasingly militant Animal Liberation Front struck again last night, freeing dozens of chickens bound for delicious snack packs.

The Debate

1. "These nuts have got to be stopped," demands concerned consumer Thomas Summers. "They need to face the fact people want snack packs, no matter how many innocent chickens must be sacrificed. Besides, chickens would do the same to us if they had the chance."

2. "These Liberationists are highlighting an important issue," pleads Chastity Broadside. "Too often, animals are put through needless cruelty, just to make their flesh taste a little more deliciously succulent. I'm sure we could ban the more horrific abuses without putting too much of a dent in our national obesity figures. Couldn't we?"

This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.

3. "Animals have feelings too!" yelled protestor Roger Wong, before being set upon by hungry passers-by. "Free the animals! Ban meat-eating!"

4. Economist Max King has an alternative. "You don't need to take away the people's right to choose. You just need to build the costs of animal suffering into the price. A tax on meat-eating, in proportion to the amount of cruelty involved, would do the trick. Plus think of the benefit for the national coffers! Of course, poor people wouldn't be able to afford meat, but that's just more incentive for them to get jobs."
Ich stimme bewußt so liberal ab, daß Carnivorismus *nicht* geächtet werden wird, das kommt dabei raus:

Following new legislation in Gullikyn, meat-eating is frowned upon.

Menno, so große Tüten gibt's gar nicht, wie ich sie gerade vollschwallen könnte.. Finger weg, schmeckt *nicht* wie Hühnchen.. :mad:

@ RZ
Ich hatte das neulich auch, aber eine Option mehr zur Auswahl.. :p


@Haru: Ja, über das Ergebnis hab ich mich auch geärgert... ging mir ganz genauso. :o

Ich hab heut was interessantes:

A surprise raid conducted on ISPs over the last week in Solipsisma shows that more than 30% of all Internet data transfer in Solipsisma at one time or another is used by illegal file-shares to illegally distribute files, most notably songs.

The Debate

"What we need to do is hack their computers and format their hard drives," says Johann Clinton, recording industry representative. "People need to be taught to not mess with the law. This is theft, pure and simple. And they're not only halving our revenue to tune of billions of sens, but you are also stealing a few hundredths of a sen from the artist for every song they steal. THINK OF THE STARVING ARTISTS!"

"Yo, dude, like, don't be hatin' man," says teenager Samuel Bush. "We're like, going to change the whole structure of our society. Everything should be like, publicly available to, like, everybody, dude. Copyrights are so, like, uncool man and we need to get rid of them. That'd be totally radical, and cool as well."

This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.

"Yo, dang, blizzity blang, yo, this ain't, right, yo," says Billy Mistletoe, famous rapper with three platinum albums. "Dang, yo, we dang need to copy-protect my dang CDs, yo. That dang playability life dang decreases, yo, but it's the only way to stop this, dang, yo."

Nu bin ich wirklich mal gespannt, wo DAS hinführt. :D

Olome Keratin

@Veldryn: Copyright laws abolished.


Heilende Hände
Tjaa, zwei Mal beim Klicken nicht lang genug über mögliche Konsequenzen nachgedacht, und schon sind meine Bürger militante Vegetarier und schauen sich rassistische Fernsehsendungen an. Ups :o

Wie gut, dass ich kein echtes Staatsoberhaupt bin :D


Und auf einmal sind überall Windkraftwerke. Whops.

Zum Glück sind die white cats Waldbewohner. :D


Running out of Time
Rassistische Vegetarier? Schützt die weissen Schafe, aber sperrt die schwarzen weg. :wunder:


Neo-Euphemist 2.0
*Bittet flehendlich um einen 'Kopf-gegen-die-Wand-Smiley'* :c:

Diving For Flens-Gummis

The Issue

Divers from a local scuba club have discovered an enormous underwater gold deposit that could be worth billions of Flens-Gummis in one of Gullikyn's lakes. It has also caused a huge debate over who should be allowed to plunder the goods.

The Debate

  1. Bill Utopia, a cabinet member, would like the government to seize the deposit. "This is an excellent time to boost Gullikyn's economy and increase our foreign trade with other countries! Who cares about the people that discovered the deposit? They've done their country a great favor and should let us have the money!"
  2. Beth Hamilton, a civil rights activist, vehemently disagrees. "The deposit was found by private citizens and it should be their choice of what to do with the gold. If the government goes around stealing what is rightfully ours, then I shudder to think I live in such a corrupt country. These people discovered the gold, it's now their time to get rich! Nevermind the fact they were diving in a lake on government property!"
  3. "We should do what now?" Environmentalist Pete Steele exclaims. "Do you have any idea how damaging it would be to the environment to mine the gold under that lake? Think of all the aquatic life that would be disrupted or destroyed! Think of how an otherwise pristine lake view would be ruined! Forget the gold and keep those money-grubbing pigs away from nature!"
Erst hab ich das so verstanden, daß da jemand einen ziemlich Haufen 'Münzen' unter Wasser gefunden hat, am Ende stellt sich raus, daß es sich um ein (natürliches) Goldvorkommen zu handeln scheint.. :eek:
..und wieder mal nur schwarz und weiß zur Auswahl - entweder alles fällt dem Staat zu, oder der Finder darf's behalten, dazwischen nichts.. :hae:
Option drei fällt angesichts unserer Wirtschaftslage eh flach.. :p


Für mich war das ein absoluter No-brainer.

Rohstoffe gehören der Allgemeinheit. Und ein genereller Verbot von Rohstoffen zwecks mehr Umweltschutz halte ich dann doch für übertrieben. Man kann denselben See, wenn er wirklich seltene Arten enthält, ja woanders aufbauen.

Landbesitz bedeutet nicht, das einem die Rohstoffe auf dem Land gehören - nur das man das Land für bestimmte Dinge benutzen darf. Man darf es aber auch z.B. nicht umweltverschmutzen.