[IWD1] Mods für IWD


Junior Member
Hallo zusammen,

gibt es auch für IWD Mods ähnlich des BWP?

Kann man also 1 und 2 zusammenfügen oder zumindest die Auflösung etc. in 1 erhöhen?


Senior Member
IWD1 und IWD2 benutzen verschiedene Regelwerke. Das funktioniert nicht so einfach. Nutze Widescreen, um die Auflösung zu erhöhen.
Eben jenen Mod solltest Du mit dem BWP schon bekommen haben.

Eine Liste der Mods gibt es hier.

Fennek der Schwarze

Senior Member
Es gibt aber durchaus überall über das Netz verstreut weidu.logs mit Mods und Reighenfolge, die (angeblich) ohne Bugs klappen. Ich hatte auch eine, die ist aber bei einem "Datenverlust" vor ein paar Wochen verschwunden. Wenn ich den Kram rekonstruiert habe, dann poste ich es vielleicht mal. In nem Monat oder so... Hätte das vorher mal machen sollen...:(


Das hab ich bei IWD drauf:
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #20 // Weapon Animation Tweaks
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #40 // Restore IWD Loading Screens
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #60 // Icon Improvements
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #70 // Force All Dialogue to Pause Game
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1010 // Add Bags of Holding
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2060 // Wear Multiple Protection Items -> P&P Restrictions
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2080 // Multi-Class Grand Mastery (Weimer)
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2100 // Change Magically Created Weapons to Zero Weight
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2120 // Alter Mage Spell Progression Table -> Un-Nerfed Table (Blucher)
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2130 // Alter Bard Spell Progression Table -> Un-Nerfed Table (Blucher)
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2140 // Alter Priest Spell Progression Table -> Un-Nerfed Table (Blucher)
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2160 // Druids Use 3e Alignment Restrictions (NG, LN, TN, CN, NE)
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3030 // Easy Spell Learning -> 100% Learn Spells
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3040 // Make Bags of Holding Bottomless
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3060 // Unlimited Ammo Stacking
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3070 // Unlimited Gem and Jewelry Stacking
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3080 // Unlimited Potion Stacking
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3090 // Unlimited Scroll Stacking
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Voice of Durdel Anatha
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #100 // Malavon's Golems
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #200 // Expanded Guello/Beorn Quest
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #300 // Marketh's Ring
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #400 // Presio's Duel
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #500 // Orrick's Rhino Beetle Shield
~IU_IWD/SETUP-IU_IWD.TP2~ #0 #0 // Item Upgrade for Icewind Dale
~IWDNPC/SETUP-IWDNPC.TP2~ #0 #1 // Alternate class for Korin - multiclass cleric/ranger
~IWDNPC/SETUP-IWDNPC.TP2~ #0 #5 // Alternate class for Severn -> Severn, mage

Und das bei IWD2:
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~SETUP-MERCHANT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Bonus Merchant for IWD2
~SETUP-IWD2NPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // Install joinable NPCs for IWD2 (Version 2). Warning: despite extensive testing some glitches may remain in this mod. Please report all bugs at www.gibberlings3.net.
~SETUP-IWD2NPC.TP2~ #0 #2 // Female Gnome Avatars -> Use Female Thief Halfling Avatars for Female Mage Gnome Avatars
~IWD2TWEAKS/SETUP-IWD2TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #100 // Unlimited Ammo Stacking
~IWD2TWEAKS/SETUP-IWD2TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #110 // Unlimited Gem and Jewelry Stacking
~IWD2TWEAKS/SETUP-IWD2TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #120 // Unlimited Potion Stacking
~IWD2TWEAKS/SETUP-IWD2TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #130 // Unlimited Scroll Stacking
~IWD2TWEAKS/SETUP-IWD2TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #200 // Make Bags of Holding Bottomless
~IWD2TWEAKS/SETUP-IWD2TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #300 // Weapon Animation Tweaks
~IWD2TWEAKS/SETUP-IWD2TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #400 // Force All Dialogue to Pause Game
~IWD2TWEAKS/SETUP-IWD2TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #600 // 100% Learn Spells
~IWD2TWEAKS/SETUP-IWD2TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1200 // Magically Created Weapons Have Zero Weigth
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Bugfixes
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Non-Combat War Chant of the Sith
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #3 // Improved Holy Avenger (Lawful: +2d6 vs. Chaos; Dispel On Hit, Will saves)
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #5 // No-Fists for Iron Body
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #6 // Deep Gnome Starting XP
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #7 // Improved Moonblades
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #8 // Improved Monk Fists
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #9 // Collector's Edition Bonus Items
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #11 // Magic Weapon Finesse
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #12 // Always Get Some XP Per Kill
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #13 // Some Heart of Fury Items In Normal Mode
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #14 // Stronger Bastard Swords
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #18 // Include Forgotten Armor and Shields
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #19 // Additional Druid Spells
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #20 // Alternate Shapeshifting
~SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2~ #0 #21 // Skip Battle Square
~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ #0 #0 // generalized biffing: v2


Ich habe mal eine reine Intressensfrage.
Warum gibt es eigtentlich kaum Mods zu IWD1?
Weil, es keine so lange Story hat?
Weil es vorgefertigte Charactere gibt?
Weil es kaum Dialoge gibt? Sondern mehr Kämpfe?

Ist mal ne reine Intressensfrage...



Fennek der Schwarze

Senior Member
Weil du ein neues Spiel basten würdest, würde ich mal sagen. Die zwei Expansion-Sets machen genau das. Miniquests unterbringen ist schwer... Und den anderen Kram (NPC-Mod, Waffen verbessern Mod etc., Tweak-Mod) gibt es ja. Ein Taktik bzw. KI-Mod wäre was... Und die Engine... Für BGT gibts wohl auch nur so viel, weil man das auf BG2-Niveau spielt. Viele Bg1 Mods gab es meines Wissens früher nicht.


IWD ist einfach nicht so bekannt wie BG1/2 und/oder bietet weniger Potential. Gibt auch viel mehr Mods für KotOR 1/2 als für Jade Empire.


Senior Member
Ich hätte da mal eine Frage. hab Icewind Dale mit folgenden Mods installiert:
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~AB.TP2~ #0 #0 // Auril's Bane Core Files
~AB.TP2~ #0 #3 // Grog's IWD Fixes
~AB.TP2~ #0 #4 // Grog's Alternate Opposition Schools
~AB.TP2~ #0 #5 // Level 40 Rules Pack
~AB.TP2~ #0 #6 // Grog's Druid Tweaks
~AB.TP2~ #0 #7 // Harder Yxunomei
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #1 // Zahlreiche Verbesserung
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #20 // Aennderungen von Waffenanimationen
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #60 // Symbol Verbesserungen
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #70 // Alle Dialoge pausieren das Spiel
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #1010 // Nimmervollen Beutel hinzufügen
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #1020 // Geschaefte verkaufen groessere Stapel von Gegenstaenden
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #2020 // Keulen fuer alle Charakterklassen
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #2040 // Diebesfertigkeiten und Schleichen in Schwerer Ruestung erlauben
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #2050 // Magierzauber in Schwerer Ruestung erlauben
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #2061 // Mehrere Schutzgegenstaende gleichzeitig tragen -> Keine Einschraenkungen
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #2080 // Grossmeister-Waffenfertigkeiten fuer Mehrklassige Charaktere (Weimer)
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #2100 // Durch Zauber erschaffene Waffen wiegen nichts
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #2120 // Geänderte Magierzauber Fortschritt-Tabelle -> Regeltreue Tabelle (Blucher)
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #2130 // Geänderte Bardenzauber Fortschritt-Tabelle -> Regeltreue Tabelle (Blucher)
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #2140 // Geänderte Klerikerzauber Fortschritt-Tabelle -> Regeltreue Tabelle (Blucher)
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #2150 // Druiden benutzen Stufen- und Zaubertabellen von Klerikern
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #2160 // Druids Use 3e Alignment Restrictions (NG, LN, TN, CN, NE)
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #2170 // Loosen Item Restrictions for Multi- and Dualclass Clerics and Druids
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #3000 // Mehr Trefferpunkte beim Stufenaufstieg -> Maximale Trefferpunkte beim Stufenaufstieg
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #3040 // Nimmervoller Beutel ohne Kapazitaetsgrenze
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #3060 // Unbegrenzte Munitionsstapel
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #3070 // Unbegrenzte Stapel bei Edelsteinen und Schmuck
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #3080 // Unbegrenzte Traenkestapel
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #3090 // Unbegrenzte Schriftrollenstapel
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #3110 // Ueberall Rasten (Japheth)
~G3DALETWEAKS/SETUP-G3DALETWEAKS.TP2~ #3 #3120 // Verkaeufliche Staebe, Knueppel und Schleudern (Icelus)
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #100 // Malavon's Golems: v3
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #200 // Expanded Guello/Beorn Quest: v3
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #300 // Marketh's Ring: v3
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #400 // Presio's Duel: v3
~UB_IWD/SETUP-UB_IWD.TP2~ #0 #500 // Orrick's Rhino Beetle Shield: v3
~IU_IWD/SETUP-IU_IWD.TP2~ #0 #0 // Item Upgrade for Icewind Dale: v2

Folgendes Problem:
Es sind ganz viele Gegenstände in Game wo die Icons, Beschreibungen usw. fehlen und die auch nicht funktionieren.
z. B. hat ein Schwert das Icon eines Beutels und funkt. nicht
oder eine Rüstung das Icon eines Pfeils etc.

Auf jeden Fall tauchen ganz viele solcher Gegenstände auf mit denen man nichts anfangen kann. Keine Abstürze (hatte ich vorher, sind behoben) eben nur das. Meine Frage: welche Mod könnte da verantwortlich sein?


Hast du mal die DEBUG-Dateien durchgeschaut, ob es da warnings gab bei der Installation der Mods?

Fennek der Schwarze

Senior Member
Lies mal die readmes, ich habe zwar meinen Zettel wieder gefunden, wie man abm Besten in Reiehnfloge installiert, habe ihn aber nicht dabei. Ich glaube, da bei den Tweaks war was bezüglich den Fixes erwähnt.... (wenn nicht, ist es trotzdem gut, die paar readmes zu lesen...).


Senior Member
Also in meiner Installation hab ich als einzige Fehlermeldung folgende gefunden - sonst nichts:confused::confused:

WARNING: parsing log [WeiDU.log]: Sys_error("WeiDU.log: No such file or directory") [AB.TP2] parsed

Folgende Install-Liste habe ich vom Internet:
(Aber nicht alle Mods installiert, da mir da zu viele Ungereimtheiten waren.)
Icewind Dale
Heart of Winter
Trials of the Luremaster {free, official mod/add-on}

G3 Widescreen mod - bei mir nicht dabei

Tioma's Mods
-- Ease-of-use Pack for IceWind Dale v1.1 - nicht dabei weg. Inkompat. mit Aurils Bane, wenn ich's recht in Erinnerung hab

Auril's Bane

Redrake's Icewind Dale Items and spells fixes and tweaks
"Redrake's Icewind Dale Items and spells fixes and tweaks" is going to overwrite
dialog.tlk, so may as well use it for the overall mod-install

- (1) requires Grog's Icewind Dale fixes v3.0--which requires Auril's Bane Core Files--
both components found in Auril's Bane mod
- (2) the following files can possibly cause Crash-to-Desktop; remove them from the
mod's override folder BEFORE installing {see mod's 'Bug Reporting' thread}:
[SE tower of Luremaster castle]

Level 8 & 9 Mage Spells by TeamBG - nicht dabei weil ich auf einer anderen Seite gelesen hatte, dass diese Mod auch zu irgendwas nicht paßt

Blucher's BG2 to IWD Characters - nicht dabei

Icewind Dale NPC Project . nicht dabei

G3 Improved BAMs
IceWind Dale: Heart Of Winter Improvements Pack
G3 Icewind Dale Tweak Pack
Unfinished Business for Icewind Dale
G3 Item Upgrade for Icewind Dale

Yovaneth's Icewind Dale (yiSeries) Scripts
- mainly used to make summons 'smarter'. - auch nicht dabei


Hm, hast du dieses "Redrake's Icewind Dale Items and spells fixes and tweaks" als allererstes installiert?

So wie das aus dem kurzen Text da klingt ("[...] is going to overwrite dialog.tlk [...]), sieht das nicht so aus, als ob das kompatibel mit anderen Mods ist, wenn man es nicht als erstest installiert.

Das ist offensichtlich keine Weidu-Mod, weil sie nicht in der Weidu.log von dir auftaucht. Und das heißt, dass die Mod Dateien blind überschreibt. Was wiederum heißt, dass sie tierische Probleme verursacht, wenn man sie einfach so installiert.


Senior Member
Danke Wedge, dann ist diese Mod der Verursacher meiner Probleme, wobei es beeinträchtigt ja nicht den Spielfluß, sondern eben die Lust daran.

Vermutlich werde ich's demnächst neu installieren, ohne dieses Plugin.

Wüßtest Du eine Installationsreihenfolge, die dann auch relativ sicher
funktioniert? Ich wäre sehr dankbar dafür.


dann ist diese Mod der Verursacher meiner Probleme

Äh, ich würd jetzt ne Vermutung von mir, aufgrund eines Textes, dessen Ursprung ich nicht kenne und einer Annahme, die ich aus eben jenem schließe, ohne diese in irgendeiner Art und Weise überprüft zu haben, nicht so einfach als Tatsache hinstellen. :D

Fennek der Schwarze

Senior Member
;)ReadMes lesen;)
Ernsthaft, wegen einer Fixkomponente steht da irgendwo was drin, wenn ich mich richtig erinnere. Die kann man nicht mit den anderen installieren, sondern muss es vorhar machen. Glaube die von Aurils Bane oder Tweakpack.


Senior Member
Ich habe mir nun noch mal die Beschreibungen durchgelesen und in "Redrakes Icewind Dale Items and spells fixes and tweaks" folgendes gefunden:
Other mods, except for Auril's Bane, might be installed as long as this mod is installed last.
Meine Reihenfolge:
1. IWD1 installieren
Hearts of Winters installieren
Keine Patchs verwenden!!!

2. Trials of the ..... installieren (Patch enthalten)
3. Auril's Bane
4. Redrake's Icewind Dale Items and spells fixes and tweaks
ja, und alles andere danach, echt blöd:c:

Könnte das der Grund sein?

Mods, die mit Aurils Bane nicht kompatibel sind (Ease of Use, Level 8 & 9 Mage Spells, IWD1 Game-be-Gone), habe ich ja nicht installiert.


Gib mir doch mal bitte Links für diese Redrakes Mod und Aurils Bane, damit ich mir die mal anschauen kann.


Senior Member

Aurils Bane:

Aurils Bane Readme:
Read Me

Version 1.7 - July 23, 2006


* Getting Started:
o Requirements
o Description of Components
+ Component 1: Auril's Bane Core Files
+ Component 2: Icewind Dale No End Credits Patch
+ Component 3: Heart of Winter No End Credits Patch
+ Component 4: Grog's IWD Bug Fixes
+ Component 5: Grog's Alternate Opposition Schools
+ Component 6: Level 40 Rules Pack
+ Component 7: Grog's Druid Tweaks
+ Component 8: Harder Yxunomei
o Installation
* Troubleshooting
o Know Problems
o MOD Compatibility
o Web Help
* Patch/Version Information
* Legal Information



Auril's Bane requires that you have Icewind Dale and both of it's official expansions (Heart of Winter and Trials of the Luremaster) installed on your computer. Additionally, you must meet any requirements set forth by the two aforementioned expansions.

Description of Components

Auril's Bane Core Files - This is the main part of the mod, it includes all the new content and game enhancements in the MOD. The general features of the MOD are as follows:

179 New Items (not counting spell scrolls)
Over 100 New Spells / Innate Abilities
13 New AI Scripts
40 New Custom PCs
6 New Creatures
1 New Quest
1 New Encounter
4 brand new stores
Orisons and Cantrips (v2)
Increased Item stacks for some items
Weapon Speed Reductions for High Mastery and Grand Mastery
Raise Dead cost at temples changed to the IE norm
Updated stores throughout the game

Icewind Dale No End Credits Patch - Stops the End Credits from playing after defeating Belhifet.

Heart of Winter No End Credits Patch - Stops the End Credits from playing upon completion of the Heart of Winter Expansion

Grog's IWD Bug Fixes - see "bug_fixes.txt" for more information

Grog's Alternate Opposition Schools - OK, Second Edition makes almost no f'ing sense when it comes to specialist mages, either in regards to racial restrictions or opposition schools. So, I decided to try and apply my own logic to the idiocy of said rules.


Opposition School


Conjuration/Summoning & Divination


Abjuration & Illusion


Illusion & Invocation/Evocation








Alteration & Enchantment/Charm


Illusion & Abjuration

Level 40 Rules Pack - Installing this component will allow you characters to reach level 40 instead of level 30. Do not use any other Level XX rules pack with Auril's Bane.

Grog's Druid Tweaks - This component involves two things: Studded Leather Armor and Short Bows. In 2E PnP druids can't use metal armors, and by extension Studded Leather Armor, since a major component of it is metal. This tweak, changes all studded leather armor, so that they are unusable by Druids (and Fighter/Druids). The second part of tweak, implements a house rule of mine, that allows druid to use Short Bows.

Harder Yxunomei - This component will make Yxunomei immune to all weapons with less than a +3 or better enchantment.


Installation is a two step process:

1. Double-click the file "AB_TotL.exe" - its a self-extracting RAR file.
2. After extracting the MOD, simply run the file named: "setup-ab.exe" and follow the on-screen instructions.


Known Problems

It has been reported that the use of Dalekeeper can cause minor problems or corruption of save games while this mod is installed. It is recommended that you do not use this program, however, if you insist on using Dalekeeper please be careful.

Some people have reported that Mother Egnia doesn't recognize that all of the Talonites have been killed after installing Winter's Bane. I have attempted to fix this with the current release. However, as I am unsure as to the cause of this bug, I cannot be sure as to its current status. If you do happen to encounter it simply enter the following command in the console will cure it: GETYOURCHEATON:SetGlobal("Talonite_Dead","GLOBAL",10)

Mod Compatibility

For a full up-to-date compatibility list please see this post post on the message board.

Auril's Bane Web Help

If there is anything that you are having problems with or cannot find in the manual, stop by the Message Board at: http://chosenofmystra.db-forge.com/mystra_forum/index.php


New in AB v1.7

Updated Player AI Scripts
2 new items

Resolved Issues in AB v1.7

Fire Bolt did 1/2 Piercing damage (instead of Fire damage)
Fixed a creature inventory bugs with the Shadowed Elven Bladesingers
Orcish Leather armor didn't impose the -1 CHA penalty like it should
The Grog's Druid Tweak component didn't stop Fighter/Druids from wearing all metal armors
The Grog's Druid Tweak component didn't allow Druid & F/D's to gain prof. with bows (the updated file wasn't copied to the override folder)
The Amulet of Spells was usable by Bards Soldier's Ring of Death Defiance had the wrong unidentified name.
The Voice of Durdel Anatha wouldn't give the party his remains after solving the quest

New in AB v1.6

Grog's Druid Tweaks (new component)
Harder Yxunomei (new component)
New enhanced fights at various points in the game
Restored the option of having Orrick enchant the Rhino Beetle Shield
5 New Items
2 new IWD Bug Fixes
Paladins and Rangers can now use spell scrolls for spells on their spell lists.

Resolved Issues in AB v1.6

Tenser's Giant Strength scroll had the wrong usability flags
The Moonblade had some wrong usability flags
Lightning Strike used the wrong animation
Lightning Strike used the wrong icon
Righteous Magic had the wrong icon for level 17+ casters
The Ring of Magic Missiles crashed the game
Hreidmar Orcslayer and his guards should now fight back if attacked

New in AB v1.5

Nothing. Sorry.

Resolved Issues in AB v1.5

The Voice of Durdel Anatha wouldn't go hostile when attacking the party
Mother Egnia doesn't recognize that all of the Talonites have been killed (see known issues for more)
Mordenkainen's Golden Revelation crash bug
Girdle of Fire Giant Strength crash bug
Bladesinger Chain crash bug
Wyrm's Tooth Crash bug
Cause Disease (Wizard) couldn't be scribed
Ice Bolt had the wrong color BAM
Some missing item text
Isildur's store had a bad item reference

New in AB v.14

Updated Player AI
New AI Script: Smart Cleric/Ranger
1 New Cleric Spell
3 New Items
1 new IWD Bug Fix

Resolved Issues in AB v1.4

Crash problem with 'AR7000.are'
Two items from Conlan's shop were displaying the wrong text
One of the shield purchasable in Pomab's shop was un-removable

New in AB v1.3

Pseudo Kit PCs v2
Improved TotFG Enemy AI
Improved Player AI
Grog's IWD Bug Fixes v2
Grog's Alternate Opposition Schools (new component)
IWD No-End Credits Patch (new component)
HoW No-End Credits Patch (new component)
Higher, Higher Stacks
13 New spells
11 New Items

Resolved Issues in AB v1.3

Ranger's Stealth skill did not increase on level up (lvl 40 rules pack bug)
Glacier description / name bug
The Moon Blade was listed as a short sword, but coded as a long sword
Random Crash/Lock-up while using the Moon Blade
The Pearly White Ioun Stone's inventory icon didn't show up
Mystra's Great Robe wasn't usable by F/M/T's
Control Undead couldn't be scribed
Protection from Fire couldn't be scribed
The Ioun Stones had their descriptions coded wrong.
The Obsidian Necklace was usable by non-thieves.
Heartgringder didn't allow the wielder's Strength bonus to damage
Bardic Leather Armor was usable by most non-Bards

New in AB v1.2

Level 40 Rules Pack added as an optional component
3 New Mage Spells
-Bone Club
-Lance of Destruction
5 New Items
-Pearly White Ioun Stone
-Dusty Rose Ioun Stone
-Blue Ioun Stone
-Pale Green Ioun Stone
-Red Ioun Stone
-Ammo Belt (converted from ToB)
-Wolfskin Bag (converted from ToB)
Updated Player AI
Updated Enemy AI

Resolved Issues in AB v1.2

Possible crash when entering ar4002

New in AB v1.1

Bug fixes update: The AC bonus of Barkskin did not improve as per the description.
Slightly Updated AI

Resolved Issues in AB v1.1

WeiDu could not find Alignment.ids - This is actually an IWD issue. Fixed by including file in installer.
Reinforced Skeletons had the wrong name
Some Dialogs had wonky lines ;0

New in AB v1:

Three New Pseudo Kit PCs
-Minstrel x2 (Male & Female)
3 New Items
2 New Spells
Updated Store Contents

Resolved Issues in AB v1

Holy Justice of Tyr wouldn't gain Orisons correctly
The Orison Quick Boost was accidentally omitted from the WBE v1 install
Kieran Nye shop bug
Plate Mail of Faith +1 didn't protect against the correct weapons
Mystra's Great Robe of Magic didn't give its listed DEX bonus
Amulet of Protection is stackable with other items
Updated Dweomerkeeper Of Mystra Pseudo Kit

BALDUR'S GATE II: SHADOWS OF AMN, BALDUR'S GATE II: THRONE OF BHAAL: © 2000, 2001 Bioware Corp. All Rights Reserved.

ICEWIND DALE, ICEWIND DALE: HEART OF WINTER, TRIALS OF THE LUREMASTER: © 2000, 2000, 2001 Interplay Productions. All Rights Reserved.

PLANESCAPE: TORMENT & DESIGN: © 1999 Interplay Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Bioware Infinity Engine: © 1998 Bioware Corp. All Rights Reserved.

BALDUR'S GATE, TALES OF THE SWORD COAST: © 1998, 1999 BioWare Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Torment, Planescape, the Planescape logo, Forgotten Realms, the Forgotten Realms logo, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, the AD&D logo, and the TSR logo are trademarks of TSR, Inc., a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, and are used by Interplay under license. All Rights Reserved. Interplay, the Interplay logo, Black Isle Studios, the Black Isle Studios logo, and "By Gamers, For Gamers." are trademarks of Interplay Productions. All Rights Reserved.

The BioWare logo is the trademark of BioWare Corp. All Rights Reserved.

All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

<End of File>

Redrake's IWD Fixpack Download:

Redrake's Readme:
Redrake's Icewind Dale Items and spells fixes and tweaks

Version 1.0 - May 3, 2007

1. Introduction
2. Fixes
2. Installation
4. Bugs
5. Legal Information


1. Introduction
The item fixes involve only the items from the original game.

2. Fixes

Among the fixes are:
- Many of the items in the game have only one charge and after they are used, they are gone forever. The chess pieces or barrier amulet are among those.
Now, they can be used once/day, similar to other items like Horn Valhalla.
Even items with more charges (except for wands) remain after they are exhausted
and they can be sold and recharged.
- Arrows of the hand were no different than the Arrows +2. I've changed this,
so now Arrows of the hand offer +4 damage vs orcs
- Black Dragon Scale had an incorrect AC if you take in consideration its description.
The armor can be used by thieves without restriction and yet it counts as a
scale mail armor with AC 4. I set the AC to 2 making it more useful.
- Fang of Gloomfrost (dagger) has an incorrect restriction.
The weapon should be usable by druids, but is not. This has been fixed.
- All the weapons made of ice in Gloomfrost are now +5. This was especially necessary since there are no +5 halberds, scimitars and two handed swords in the game.
- Hellpick, according to its description was used to kill drow wizards.
It seems logical to me that the weapon should have bonus against mages.
Therefore, +5 damage vs mages.
- Kaylessa's Gloves are now usable by anyone except for single class mages.
- Kinetic Spear according to its description should have been able to cast lance of disruption at 5% chances, but the item was a plain +2 Spear.
This has been fixed.
- Mail of Life now counts as elven chainmail (no restrictions for thieving or arcane spellcasting). According to its description is an elven enchanted chainmail.
- Cradle of Mielliki has been changed. From a common +1 Scimitar, now its a +2 Scimitar with 50% chance of slaying orcs.
It can only be used by druids and rangers.
- Pikeman's End is a weapon which was available in the original game, but by mistake removed by Grog when he made AB. The weapon is in Conlan's store and I've reduced it's price to fit into Grog's reduced prices tweak.
- Long Sword +3: Enforcer was usable only by fighter/mages in the original game.
Now it can be also be used by bards and fighter/mage/thief.
- Valiant has been changed from a Scimitar +2 to a Scimitar +3.
- Giant's Sleep has been changed so that now provides +6 bonus to thac0 and damage
against Giants and is only usable by rangers.
- Pale Justice. Now this is the most important fix. In the original non-HoW game,
Pale justice made the paladins immune to fear, Dire Charm and Symbol of Hopelessness.
With HoW, the weapon also protected them against Wail of the virgins.
But with HoW, the paladins are immune to fear starting from level 2, therefore the immunities granted by the weapon are obsolete.
So I've replaced the 2 entries for the immune to fear effects with immunity to curse
and Disintegration. This should make it useful in Trials of the Luremaster where so
far there's no defense against disintegration spells cast by beholders.
- Patriot Helm is now only usable by dwarves.
- Kaylessa's Ring now grants +1 Dexterity like her other items. In the original
game you could find her armor or her bow or her gloves or her ring.
Each of them granted +1 Dexterity, except for her ring which was a + 15% Stealth Ring.
- Long Sword of the Hand is now a Long Sword +4.
- Redemption Warhammer is now only usable by Clerics and Paladins.
- Serrated Bone Blade is now not usable by good characters.
- Spendelard's Protector is now a +3 Quarter Staff
- Stoutward grants +2 AC vs Missile Weapons, but can only be used by dwarves.
- Scimitar +3 Frostbrand now does double damage to demons.
I've also removed the second one found in Tiernon's store and replaced it with
Sanctified Hammer +3.
- Made a description for Warhammer +4: Defender. Such a great weapon deserved one.
Also changed its name to Moradin's Defender and placed it in Nym's store.
- Selune's Promise is now only usable by clerics.
- Winter King's Plate is now usable by druids. The plate is made out of hide of a
polar worm, not metal, therefore is according to 2E rules.
- Replaced Throwing Axe +2 with Azuredge. Yes, the BG2 version.
- Removed the second Axe of Caged Souls from Dorn's Deep. It was now replaced with Benorg's Truth. I've also added a description to this weapon.
- Talon of Gloomfrost didn't provided the proper bonus to fire and cold resistance.
This has been fixed.
- Fixed Icasaracht character file. As she was it was more of a wyrmling. Now she's a
true dragon and more of a challenge.
- Thief can now use light crossbows.
- Paperdolls for female human cleric, thief and mage were bugged. Their weapons were displaced. This has been fixed.

Made some small fixes for spells.
- Fixed several small errors in spell descriptions
- Since level 9 arcane spells are only 2 and not very useful, I moved to level 9 3
more spells, Power Word: Blind. Horrid Wilting and Incendiary Cloud.

Aditional items can now be found in various stores and containers. Among them are most items from BG1 (except for Balduran items) and manuals to improve attributes.
However the latter are expensive.
Don't ruin yourself to buy them all.

I've also created an expanded spell advancement table for paladins and rangers.
This is especially necessary for ranger/clerics who otherwise are unable to cast
level 7 druidic spells. These 2 files should also go to Override folder.

Many of the characters in the game had no alignment set. This has been fixed.
All of the creatures have alignments now, undead being mostly evil
(except for skeletons and zombies, because they are mindless undead).

3. Installation

Make sure you have Icewind Dale with Heart of Winter, Trials of the Luremaster and
Grog's Icewind Dale fixes v3.0
This mod is not made with Weidu. I didn't had the time to learn to use it.
In the future there might be a Weidu version. For now, the mod provides the modified dialog.tlk file.
This should be placed in the main IWD folder.
Other mods, except for Auril's Bane, might be installed as long as this mod is
installed last.
The second part of the file is made of the main override files.
These should be installed in override folder.
Overwrite older files if you are asked to.

4. Bugs

I personally tested the fixpack myself, so there shouldn't be any bugs.
Still if I might have missed them, I would appreciate if you inform me of
them on my e-mail address remildragos@yahoo.com.

5. Legal Information

001 Bioware Corp. All Rights Reserved.

2000, 2001 Interplay Productions. All Rights Reserved.

PLANESCAPE: TORMENT & DESIGN: © 1999 Interplay Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Bioware Infinity Engine: © 1998 Bioware Corp. All Rights Reserved.

BALDUR'S GATE, TALES OF THE SWORD COAST: © 1998, 1999 BioWare Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Torment, Planescape, the Planescape logo, Forgotten Realms, the Forgotten Realms logo, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, the AD&D logo, and the TSR logo are trademarks of TSR, Inc., a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, and are used by Interplay under license. All Rights Reserved. Interplay, the Interplay logo, Black Isle Studios, the Black Isle Studios logo, and "By Gamers, For Gamers." are trademarks of Interplay Productions. All Rights Reserved.

The BioWare logo is the trademark of BioWare Corp. All Rights Reserved.

All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.


Okay, Arils Bane ist die WeiDu-Version, Redrakes Fixes ist keine WeiDu-Mod. Allein dadurch MUSS Redrakes Mod vor allen anderen installiert werden, da sie Dateien einfach nur überschreibt. Das da in der ReadMe steht, dass man auch andere Mod installieren kann, solange man Redrakes Fixpack als letztes installiert ist - und es tut mir leid, die Zensoren hier zu verärgern - bullsh*t der allerersten Güte.

Da diese Info schonmal komplett falsch ist, ist natürlich auch fraglich, inwiefern die ReadMe sonst noch verlässliche Informationen bietet.

Du musst halt noch Grog's Dale Fixes 3.0 vorher installieren, aber wann nun Aurils Bane rauf soll, dass kann ich nicht sagen. Ob der Content davon schon in der dialog.tlk drinne ist, weiß ich nicht. Ebenso weiß ich nicht, mit welcher Modkonfiguration diese dialog.tlk erstellt wurde. Wie du es nun genau zum laufen kriegst, kann ich dir nicht sagen.

Die technischen Einzelheiten, falls sie dich interessieren:
Alle Texte im Spiel stehen in der dialog.tlk Datei drinne. Diese Texte werden dann in den eigentlichen Dialogen nur referenziert, also aus der Datei aufgerufen. Der Vorteil davon ist, dass Übersetzungen sehr viel leichter sind (das ist so wie mit den tra-Dateien und den d-Dateien beim Mod-Übersetzen). Wenn du eine WeiDu-Mod installierst, dann hängt WeiDu bei der Installation die ganzen Texte einfach hinten an die dialog.tlk ran und schreibt die Referenzen dementsprechend in die Dialoge und Items und Scripte rein. Je nach dem welche Mod du zuerst installierst und in welcher Reihenfolge du das machst, stehen die Texte dann an vollkommen unterschiedlichen Stellen in der dialog.tlk. Was aber für WeiDu-Mods nunmal kein Problem ist, weil der das halt alleine ganz automatisch alles regelt.

Wenn du Nicht-WeiDu-Mods benutzt, dann liefern die eine feste dialog.tlk mit, in denen ihre Texte an den Orten stehen, an denen sie stehen. Wenn du aber vorher ne WeiDu-Mod installiert hast, dann sind diese Stellen schon "vergeben" und im SPiel hast du dann Textsalat, weil die Referenzen von der Nicht-WeiDu-Mod überschrieben wurden.

Die Nicht-WeiDu-Mods funktionieren wenn überhaupt nur mit genau den exakten Versionen der WeiDu-Mods zusammen, mit denen sie angefertigt wurden. Wenn du AB zum Beispiel vor diesem Redrake Fixpack installieren sollst und seid der Erstellugn des Fixpacks ne neue AB-Version rauskam, in der auch nur ein einziger neuer Texteintrag hinzugekommen ist, dann wird das Fixpack alles zerstören, sobald es "installiert" wird.

Was würde ich dir raten? Entweder frag da im Forum nach bei den Leuten, die die Mod gemacht haben, oder schmeiß das Sche*ßding raus. ^^

Fennek der Schwarze

Senior Member
Ich würde Redrake's IWD Fixpack wahrscheinlich einfach weglassen. Man hat ja durch Tweakpack und Aurils Bane (und ToTL) mehr als genug Bugfixes...