[Release] [SoS] Neue BG2 Mod: Shadows over Soubar


Seid Anfang der Woche gibt´s ein neues TeamBG Mod zu BG2:ToB, nämlich Shadows over Soubar.

This game mod (modification or module) is created for the BG2:SoA side of a BG2:ToB game (yes, BG2:ToB is required), as many people wouldn't want to go through a whole new game to reach ToB areas just to play this mod. With that in mind, most people who have played BG2 know that one of the plot quests is to save the village/town of Trademeet from evil druids, Calim rakashars, and the noble bickerings. "Shadows Over Soubar" picks up just after that. However, action in the mod does occur if you do not complete the entire sequence of quests in Trademeet, beginning directly after Imoen is kidnapped by the Cowls and Irenicus.

We know that war is brewing in Tethyr, and that the Sword Coast has experienced troubles since our hero left Candlekeep as a young adventurer. Power groups- the Iron Throne in particular- have been destroyed, and others are quick to grab for their own power. Including such enemies as Yaga-Sura, Melissan, and Irenicus. But there are other less twisted enemies that prey not on heroes, but on the simple folk. Folk who's only crime is that they live in a town where a great leader who met an orcan horde on the field of battle once lived. Farmers, herders, tradesmen, and merchants all are affected by those who claim power over thier lives. Now that sounds like a call for help! Which our great hero will answer. To the rescue we go!

So our story begins in Trademeet, where our hero learns that some mysterious men from the north are looking for them. What those men want, we are not sure. But after a time of searching Amn, our great hero finds a sneaky thief who 'employs' us to do some 'work.' After completing the jobs, the sneaky thief will finally tell our hero what needs to be done to move on. And our hero does indeed move on, finding some letters which leads them to the mysterious men. These mysterious men will explain the entire situation, and the hero can accept (continue the mod) or decline to help.


4 new NPC's with their own related quests

1 new kit for the thief class

1 new stronghold

over 100 new areas: both new or recycled

over 400 new creatures to interact with

over 400 new items, most of which can be used by the party

over 20 new stores in which to shop

over 30 mini-quests and 2 major quests

Mehr Infos gibt´s unter dem obigen Link. Ob´s gut oder schlecht ist... keine Ahnung, es ist auf jeden Fall ziemlich groß (ca. 300 MB), Download über FilePlanet (kostenlos, aber man muß sich registrieren, was aber eigentlich keinerlei Nachteile hat, man wird zumindest nicht mit irgendwelchen Emails zugemüllt). Habe es mit heute über Tag mal runtergeladen (ca. 3 Stunden mit T-DSL).


Danke :)
Tjaja, da wird wohl nen Freund herhalten müssen... ohne DSL kann ich das ziemlich vergessen. :(

Blade of Blood

Hab auch bloß T-ISDN!:(
Funktioniert der auch mit Solaufen-, Kelsey-, oder Tashiamod? Mir kanns ja (leider) egal sein.


Running out of Time
Ein Mod? Wo, wo? Hechel:p:D Mal sehen was der taugt. Danke Dyara.