Allgemeine Informationen und Hinweise zu BG3(-Patches)

Aginor der Gelbe

Was manchmal hilft, um Gegner auf höheren Position finden und anwählen zu können: mit "O" auf die Draufsicht wechseln.
Der Tipp war Gold wert!
Der ingame Tipp der auf die Funktion hinweist kam bei mir erst sehr spät.

Inzwischen habe ich fast acht Stunden gespielt und komme schon wesentlich besser mit der Steuerung zurecht. Hatte jetzt auch ein paar größere Kämpfe (Goblins am Tor, Plünderer und das Dungeon unter der Ruine).
Finde es toll dass man taktisch geschickt kämpfen muss. Eben nicht nur haudrauf sondern mal zurückziehen oder die Umgebung nutzen.

Besonders gut hat mir gefallen dass man Lichtquellen löschen kann um sich zu verstecken. Ähnlich wie in meiner P&P Gruppe kann dann der Schurke aus dem Hinterhalt sehr gut glänzen.

Was anderes cooles: Mit Tieren sprechen ist der Hammer. Schade dass man mit dem eigenen Tiergefährten nicht reden kann.

Hölzl das aggressive Eichhörnchen ist zum schießen. Oder der übellaunige Ochse. Oder die Eichhörnchen im Druidenhain die die Musikerin hassen. :D

Und auch mit Toten sprechen lohnt sich.

Mein Waldi ist leider nicht sehr charismatisch, aber dann muss halt Schattenherz die Dialoge führen.

Ein Bug der mich derzeit etwas nervt ist dass Wolf und Bär gerne mal in den Türen/Durchgängen hängen bleiben.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Thread Necromancer
Hab mir das Spiel jetzt geholt.
Kann ja nicht angehen dass ich an meinem 20. Forengeburtstag (09.03. ist morgen) nicht das neueste BG spiele.

Dann mal alles Gute nachträglich zum Forengeburtstag. ;)
Ich habe mich noch nicht davon überzeugen können es mir zu kaufen. Spiele lieber BG2EE durch, bis ich alle Steam Errungenschaften habe.

Aginor der Gelbe

Ich hab zumindest noch nichts gehört.
Das letzte war der Hotfix 11 vor ein paar Tagen.


Senior Member
Hier vielleicht ein update: laut Swen Vincke wird BG3 auf jeden Fall erst nächstes Jahr (2022) veröffentlicht und der nächste Patch wir kaum neue Inhalte enthalten.

Meine Einschätzung: das läuft auf das Weihnachtsgeschäft 2022 raus...

Aginor der Gelbe

Wenn es dafür einigermaßen "polished" ist finde ich es nicht schlimm zu warten. Amüsiere mich schon ganz gut mit der Alphaversion. Viel zu entdecken und auszuprobieren.


Senior Member
Schauen wir mal. Hauptsache es wird fertig.

Jetzt ist Patch 5 angekündigt. Am 08.07. soll es dann die Info geben, was es Neues gibt ;)


Senior Member
Tja, ich hab mir die Erläuterungen zum neuen Patch durchgelesen (soll nächsten Di ausgeliefert werden): etliche kleinere Verbesserungen. Was man merken wird: Fähigkeiten können beim Würfeln eingesetzt werden. Rasten wird schwieriger. Und der Hintergrund des Charakters wird eine Rolle spielen. Letzteres könnte interessant sein.

Aber so nach einem halben Jahr und einer gefühlten Ewigkeit hätte ich auch was wie mehr Völker oder Klassen erwartet (neuer NPC war ja nicht mehr in der Erwartung drin ;) ). Sieht für mich nicht danach aus, als würde es sich lohnen, ein neues Spiel zu starten.
Hello once again! We hope you’ve been doing well since Patch 4 released, because it seems a whole lot has happened since then. The ocean burned, the West Coast boiled, UFOs may or may not be a thing, and that was all just this past month. But while the world invents new ways to surprise us, at least there’s one thing we can always count on like a dependable old friend, which is the rise and fall of floods as they lap at our Belgian office servers once again. Through all of that we’ve been hard at work to bring you Patch 5.

So what can you expect from this patch? New game-changing mechanics, tons of combat and AI improvements, a bigger focus on roleplaying, a tantalizing step toward unearthing Shadowheart’s mysteries, and more Owlbear cub content to make your heart burst, just to name a few.

And, well, we’re partial to some of the incoming fixes as well:

· Skeletons are no longer in a celebratory mood when emerging from coffins.
· Fixed being able to eat some buckets.
· Fixed being able to cast Charm Person on yourself.
· Liam will no longer run away while unconscious

This update features a ton of improvements directly inspired by the community, many of them addressing things you’ve raised in your feedback so far. We’ve been listening closely to requests you’ve made throughout Early Access and we hope you’re really going to be excited by these changes - We definitely are. Together they improve the game a lot, and they bring Baldur’s Gate 3 yet another step closer to its 2022 release ambitions.

We’ve got lots up our sleeve this update, so let’s jump right in.

Active Roll: A new way to die (as in dice, it’s a dice pun)

One of the biggest improvements coming in Patch 5 are Active Rolls, our new dice mechanic. In addition to a full upgrade of the old UI, the biggest change here is in how you can influence dice: While previously, the accepted method for attempting a skill check was to tightly cross your fingers ahead of a roll, now you have the option to apply spells and bonuses to these checks to help increase your odds.

So what does that mean exactly? Well, let's say the chances of you passing a certain check seem pretty slim. Rather than leaving you at the mercy of the RNG gods, you now have more agency in the outcome of those rolls. For example, cast Enhance Ability to add an Advantage bonus to the skill check in order to roll twice, or you can cast Guidance to bump that number up for good measure. You can also cast spells from your other party members, although in multiplayer your teammates will have to decide for themselves whether they'll let you use their spells during these rolls. You’ll be spending a spell slot any time you do this, so use them wisely. That is, unless the skill check relates to recruiting the Owlbear cub, in which case we’d recommend you let your heart guide you.
Get rewarded for roleplaying

In this patch we also wanted to find new ways to really celebrate roleplaying. Enter, Background Goals.

You know how the character creator includes an option to choose your character's background? Folk Hero, Acolyte, Urchin, and so on. Now every character will have their own series of secret miniquests based on these roles. Finding out how to complete them is part of fun, but for each you complete you’ll receive an Inspiration Point. Players will get a maximum of four Inspiration Points which can be put toward rerolling dice whenever they wish. Or alternatively, if you’ve already reached your IP cap for the moment then any further point becomes XP.

Camping 2.0

One of the main comments we've received about our resting system has been that it's far too lenient. Before Patch 5, you could initiate a Long Rest and recharge all your spells and HP between every fight without penalty. A lot of players felt this just didn't feel right, and we couldn't agree more. So we've fully revamped how camping works.

Camp Resources are a new feature that will make you think a little more strategically about when to activate a Long Rest. Now in order to make camp, you first need supplies. You know all the food and scraps you find around Baldur's Gate 3? Starting this patch, those can be used to unlock camp for the night. So if you ever wondered to yourself “how much Waterdhavian cheese wheels could one person possibly need?” the answer is as many as you can physically carry, for cheese is now one of the sacred doorways to sleep. Alternatively, you can still initiate a Partial Rest without using any resources but this won't recharge you fully.

Another new addition are Mini Camps. Previously, any time you camped for the night, you would return to your HQ down by the river regardless of how far away it was from the area you were exploring throughout your day. This made us feel sorry for all the characters who were being forced to partake in marathon hikes just to go to bed. So we’ve now introduced smaller localized camps. From the Chapel near the Ravaged Beach to the Underdark, we've recreated every landmark as its own isolated location that can be accessed when you’re ready to hunker down for your Long Rest.

Smarter enemies, revamped spells, and a little something for the pacifists among you

This update comes with a lot of combat improvements, from smaller fixes - we’ve now made sure Mud Mephits are no longer afraid of mud - to more substantial alterations. Let's have a look at some of those below.

Enemy AI:

You’re going to discover a lot of AI improvements in this patch, so expect to see enemies who are a lot smarter and more resourceful in combat. For instance, now if there is a weapon nearby, unarmed enemies will grab it to defend themselves. Not only does this make fights more challenging, you can also use this behaviour to your advantage: if you disarm an enemy, they’ll have to use up an Action Point to go retrieve the weapon, which puts them at a disadvantage.

You can also expect better resource planning from enemies – when it comes to deciding what spells to use in a fight, who to target, whether to use actions like Dash, or to throw a health potion to a character in need, they’re a lot more adept. And all of these actions are new to friendly NPCs too.

Spellcasting Upgrade:

You can also expect to see updated class spell animations, which are looking awesome. Spells that are specific to a class now have an identifiable look, and spells that are usable by multiple classes have had a full revamp to create more cohesion with the class-specific ones. Oh and by the way, you can now cancel a concentration spell. That’s a small quality-of-life change but it’s something a lot of you have been asking for.

Non-Lethal Combat:

We’ve done some tweaking to the game which should please our pacifist players, too. We have added a new Nonlethal Attack Mode. This means that if you steal something from NPCs and they start attacking you, you can actually just knock them out instead of killing them.

In another widely requested change, we’ve separated the jump and disengage actions! So now players have the ability to either Jump to gain some strategic positioning during combat, or Disengage from melee range with an enemy and move to a safe distance. Finally, we’ve introduced a shortcut key for Jump, so it's much easier to navigate the various intricate levels as you explore the world. This has been a big request from the community too, and if there are other situations you wish you could solve through peaceful means let us know!

Nested Tooltips offer extra clarity to the new and confused

The world is a bewildering wilderness; games should not be. In this patch, we've updated our old tooltip system and created something we feel will make the rules and concepts of BG3 much easier to digest. Nested Tooltips are essentially hyperlinked tooltips. Think Wikipedia. If there's a term in the text that you don't understand, we got you. Just hover over it for more information. And you can now pin tooltips to your screen so there's no fear of losing previous tooltips along the way.

Shadowheart’s storyline just got a little more mysterious

Shadowheart got extra love in this patch. Not only does this update feature extra dialogue permutations with her, her storyline was also kicked up a notch. Expect to start hearing a little more about the mysterious item she carries with her. Oh, and you can now free her in the tutorial! Or leave her of course.

And now introducing Point and Click dialogue

Speaking of dialogue, let’s take a look at our new Point and Click dialogue system. This is something fans have been asking for from the beginning: Your character will now speak as you click through the world, reacting to the story and environment around them in real-time. A lot of recording power went into making this feature come alive - not only is the dialogue context-sensitive, it also changes depending on which character you're playing. But, of course, if you're of the 'less talk, more game' philosophy then there is an audio option to change the frequency of their barks.

These are just some of the improvements in this patch. We didn’t even mention the new dog. There are also a ton of visual and audio improvements and tweaks. You'll be able to jump in to experience these changes for yourself when Patch 5 releases
Tuesday 13th July!


Senior Member

Naja es soll ja Patch 6 vor der Türe stehen und der ist "Heavy Content" lastig


Senior Member
Es wurde in neuer Patch angekündigt. "biggest" Patch bisher mit 60GB auf der Festplatte. Mit ganz viel Inhalt u.a. mit einer neuen Klasse (wahrscheinlich neben Wizard und Warlock dann der Sorcerer). Die Frage ist: wo bleiben die fehlenden Rassen? Und ich bezweifle, dass es neuen Spielinhalt geben wird.

Mehr Details sollen dann in einer extra Veranstaltung mit Lets Play (Panel from Hell) vorgestellt werden. Termin noch offen. Rechnen wir mal die üblichen Zeiten, dann kommt der Patch wohl Anfang November. Also dann 4 Monate für eine neue Klasse und ein paar weitere Extras.

Angekündigt wurden ja noch doppelt soviel zusätzlicher Spielinhalt, mehr NPCs, mehr Rassen, etc. Da wird das dann nichts mit einem Release in 2022 bei dem Tempo.


Senior Member
Die Patch-Inhalte (auf Englisch):

Baldur’s Gate 3 - Patch 6 notes

  • Added new Grymforge region, an ancient Sharran fortress featuring new content, quests, combat, and mysterious NPCs to face. Added setup for several Grymforge quests in the Underdark.
  • Added new Sorcerer class, featuring two unique subclasses: Wild Magic and Draconic Bloodline. - Wild Magic: Embrace chaos and manipulate the forces of chance to gain advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, or saving throws - and potentially trigger a random effect in doing so. Examples include putting everyone around you on fire, gaining teleport as a bonus action or summoning a hostile mephit!
  • - Draconic Bloodline: Channel the powers of your dragon ancestors and wield deadly fire, lightning, acid, poison, or cold damage to destroy your enemies.
  • Sorcerers of Draconic Bloodline will also gain a spell that matches the ancestor, for example Red Dragon provides access to Burning Hands
  • You also gain access to a unique visual customization option in the form of the draconic scales.
  • New Sorcerer spells were added:
  • Horrific Visage: A new Tadpole Action that makes your enemy bleed and allows the Sorcerer to leech a Sorcery Point off of them.
  • Enlarge/Reduce: This new spell alters a character's size, affecting their physical stats in the process.
  • Chromatic Orb: A powerful new single-target nuke that allows Sorcerers to hurl a sphere of energy at their foes.
  • Cloud of Daggers: This spell protects the caster, surrounding them in a cloud of flying daggers.
  • Crown of Madness: As the name suggests, this spell sends an enemy mad, and can cause them to attack their nearby allies.
  • Metamagic: Metamagic is the Sorcerer's signature feature which allows you to adapt your spells in the heat of combat. With it, you can increase a spell's range, duration, or hit two enemies simultaneously, among other powerful variations on your spells - making you a powerful and unpredictable presence in battle.
  • Added new weapon actions, giving ranged and melee weapons up to three lethal signature moves - now non-magic wielders have more options at their disposal in combat as long as they are proficient with the weapon.
  • Heartstopper: Smash an enemy's chest to damage and possibly reduce their actions by one.
  • Weakening Strike: Target an enemy's hands with a non-lethal attack to give disadvantage on its Attack Rolls.
  • Crippling Strike: Swing at an enemy's legs to prevent them from moving.
  • Pommel Strike: Make a non-lethal attack against an enemy to possibly Daze them.
  • Piercing Strike: Stab an enemy to damage them that possibly left a Gaping Wounds.
  • Backbreaker: Put extra force behind your strike to possibly knock your enemy Prone.
  • Flourish: Feint an attack to possibly throw your enemy Off Balance.
  • Concussive Smash: Hit an enemy with all your might to deal damage and possibly Daze them.
  • Brace: Spend your movement speed to reroll your damage dice.
  • Prepare: Spend your movement speed to get an extra damage.
  • Piercing Shot: Shoot an enemy to damage them that possibly left a Gaping Wounds.
  • Mobile Shot: Make a Ranged Attack after you dash or disengage.
  • Massive graphical overhaul.
  • Completely revamped lighting system with volumetric fog/lighting.
  • Added translucency.
  • Added atmospheric scattering.
  • Added dynamic clouds.
  • Local directional lights.
  • Added completely new colour grading and much improved tonemapper and HDR rendering.
  • All particles are lit by environment and Global illumination.
  • Added support for DLSS 2.3.
  • Added support for AMD FSR.
  • New orchestral music pack.
  • New songs in menu and camp.
  • Characters will become dirty, sweaty, bloodied and bruised during their adventures.
  • BG3 is now available in Turkish
  • Added options to increase font size in dialogues and added a semi-transparent background. These can be set and customized in the settings menu.
  • Traders now default to the trade rather than the barter interface.
  • You can now drag items in the trade menu.
  • You can add bonuses after re-roll.
  • Implemented Cut, Copy, and Paste actions for textboxes like Direct Connect and Twitch Extension Secret Key.
  • Updated the point-and-click frequency setting to a slider.
  • Added race tooltip in the examine panel.
  • When a weapon is disarmed, overhead text is now displayed above the affected character.
  • Concentration saving throws are now displayed via overhead roll UI.
  • Enemy portraits now display concentration.
  • Fixed displaced scrollbar when having race-specific skills added during level-up.
  • Chance UI now correctly displays bonuses from enchanted equipment.
  • Spell container now has a close button.
  • You can now split big stacks within the camp chest.
  • Cinematic polish and improvements for lookats, animation blending, scene snapping, question cameras & updates to rigs and animations.
  • We improved the camera system to make camera control feel more fluid.
  • Refined some of the background goals in Early Access levels and added new ones in the Grymforge area.
  • We’ve introduced a new Goblin prison and updated most Goblins to give them the ability to arrest you. Misbehaving players can also be jailed (and break out) of prison in the Druid's Grove too.
  • Added a new prison grate & door where Gut locks the player up.
  • The spiders in the Goblin Camp can now jump and escape their lair.
  • Spell targeting previews will now jump around less when suggesting alternate casting positions.
  • Tweaked start of player dialogue when accessing one of the rooms in the Dank Crypt for the first time.
  • Player characters now always comment when they have successfully detected an ambush.
  • Improved fire VFX and environment VFX
  • Updated Spore Servant Target VFX.
  • Updated Silence status VFX.
  • Updated VFX texture compression settings for better results on low-end platforms.
  • Improvements to glowing eyes & mouth in some Speak with Dead cinematics.
  • Improved Auto-Detect graphics settings.
  • 5.1 upmix of pre-rendered intro.
  • Audio upgrade: New dynamic mixing system improves balance between combat sounds, music, and ambience.
  • Added inventory and questlog sections to the BG3 Twitch Extension. Viewers can now highlight certain items in the streamers' inventory at certain times and can also follow where streamer is situated in his current playthrough.
  • Updated Automaton animations.
  • Improved animation for Human Female characters.
  • The Githyanki race now have completely updated gameplay animations.
  • Updated Hook Horror animations.
  • Improved wing and tail physics for Cambions.
  • Improved multiplayer networking in congested scenarios.
  • Improved UI feedback for targeting rush spells.
  • Added trade goods to Mol within the Druid camp.
  • Made Soul Coin into a story item so Nadira won't be able to sell it.
  • Added rubble and blocked off the area under the elevator in the Druid Grove so players can't get stuck there anymore.
  • Better handling of summoning Lump and his Ogres when there is not enough room for all three.
  • Improved the camera direction when entering camp.
  • Improvements made to called guards' behaviours.
  • Improvements made to Hook Horror's alarm behaviour.
  • Added new dialogue options to Wyll's camp dialogue relating to Raphael, and added option for players to agree with Wyll in another quest path.
  • Improved Lae'zel's idle animation and scripted behaviour at camp - She now unsheathes her weapon as if ready for combat and will sharpen it if it's a sword type.
  • The Captured Thralls in the Nautiloid have been given a new animation for laying down.
  • Omeluum of the Society of Brilliance got a new spot for himself after being summoned, and flashy new arcane incantation animations and VFX.
  • Consuming Hag Hair has become a lot more visual with added VFX.
  • Volo's 4th book was added into the world.
  • Reworked visuals of Zhentarim wolves.
  • Went over all Novices & True Souls to give them proper prefix & title, and gave them proper Absolute outfits.
  • Made sure that NPCs who visually wear a helmet actually do have a helmet equipped (and can drop it).
  • Updated colours and light values for Light and Dancing Lights.
  • Equippable salami, for meatier combat.
  • Slash is now called Lacerate. Rush is now called Rush Attack. Pinning Shot is now called Hamstring Shot
  • Updated the high ground rule. Now you'll receive a bonus on attack instead of advantage/disadvantage.
  • Lowered Lae'zel's approval requirements slightly for, er, "bedtime romance".
  • Silencing aggressive NPCs will now result in combat, while wimpy NPCs will flee.
  • Additional Knockout support added to situations.
  • Made Vine Door locked by default.
  • Adjusted AC calculations to better distinguish between base AC, ability modifiers, and bonus AC. This affects the way Draconic Resilience and Mage Armour are calculated.
  • Changed a background goal related to Volo for the Entertainer background.
  • Made Idol of Silvanus valuable, because it is valuable.
  • Disabled ability to ignite destroyed bowls via use action.
  • Falling entities no longer apply force on impact if they don't have enough weight.
  • Effect of Tasha's Hideous Laughter is now closer to the effect of Prone condition.
  • Radiance of the Dawn now targets enemies instead of non-allied characters.
  • Player characters walking into the Blighted Village ambush while dialogue is ongoing will cause the character to be automatically added to the conversation.
  • Climbing onto the rooftops near the Blighted Village ambush now automatically reveals the ambushers. Once revealed, the ambushers will react to player characters that are not hidden and start a dialogue.
  • Reworked the way Gnoll Multiattack works - they now have a Seething Fury status that lasts for 2 turns; when it's over, the Gnoll unlocks Multiattack.
  • Re-assigned Multiattack/Seething Fury across Gnolls to make the encounters fairer.
  • Made it so that Gnolls aren't interested in picking up weapons anymore.
  • Assigned Halsin's Wildshape action the proper cost, so he does not abuse it.
  • Halsin can only use his Bear Multiattack once per fight.
  • Made it so that Harpies can now follow you anywhere you go.
  • Disabled trading with Gekh Coal until the player peacefully resolves their initial dialogue with Gekh.
  • Removed Hunter's Mark from Olodan.
  • Nettie's bird will no longer spot you sneaking around.
  • Fixed the imps' crossbow so that it's now a light crossbow.
  • Made Bernard & his Animated Armors immune to magical sleep.
  • Slightly decreased Duergar HP throughout the game.
  • Tweaked The Spectator's Petrified Drow stats, equipment, visuals, spells.
  • Improved behaviour & visuals of throwable boulders around Ogres.
  • Increased the chance that an NPC doesn't break their invisibility immediately after having applied it.
  • Animals will now not understand when their allies are magically controlled, and will not try to help them anymore.
  • Creatures made of metal are now affected completely by Heat Metal spell.
  • Adjusted the trigger area for the ambush at the Decrepit Village.
  • Gekh's henchmen now use their innate invisibility to hide themselves for the ambush at the Decrepit Village.
  • Fishers at the crash site will react to player crimes.
  • Characters who follow another character into the Underdark via the secret entrance will die if they do not fulfill requirements to survive.
  • Made improvements to the Sleep status of the Bugbear in the abandoned village. Initiating combat will make him wake up, because no one is that sleepy.
  • Shadowheart will now react to the box being used by another character based on how far away she is from them. Using the box from the inventory will close it if needed.
  • Removed the ability to speak with Shadowheart after she runs away in the Nautiloid.
  • Rurik has been given behaviour adjustments and fixes.
  • Adjusted movement pattern for Cyrel so she does not step in her friend's blood.
  • Priestess Gut's combat AI now has a greater bias to buff herself and her allies.
  • Minotaur combat archetype added.
  • Hook Horrors and Minotaurs now prefer attacking the Bulette.
  • Minotaur's Gore action now requires a strength saving throw to push targets.
  • Increased the amount that the Bulette heals when it burrows.
  • The Bulette now prefers to attack monstrosities.
  • Changed Torgga's armor to leather and updated her visuals to reflect the armour she wears.
  • Slightly reduced combat AI's bias to use Sleep and several other Incapacitating conditions.
  • Combat AI can now reason about shoving allies with the intent to remove Sleep status.
  • Combat AI now have a greater bias against damaging allies than before.
  • Fixed Inwe not having correct speed for her race as Wood Elf.
  • Halsin's Bear form now has the Dismiss Wildshape spell.
  • Added Jump spell to Cambions in the tutorial to prevent rare instances where they could get stuck.
  • Changed Rugan's equipment and changed the visuals to match.
  • Animated Armor combat AI is less smart.
  • Animated Armors and Bugbears should no longer be able to use weapon actions.
  • Weight threshold for Large creatures changed from 250kg to 200kg.
  • Adjusted Deep Rothé calf and flaming sphere to 199kg.
  • Reduced the number of consumable scrolls available to many enemy NPCs.
  • Bugbears now drop their morning stars when killed.
  • Bugbear morning star now does 1d8 damage instead of 2d8.
  • Bugbear now has the brute passive to deal extra 1d8 damage.
  • Changed void bulb to require a Dex saving throw (DC 14).
  • Void bulb now does 1d4 damage on failed save - previously it did 1 damage.
  • Oak Father's Embrace effect will now only be triggered when the attack hits.
  • Tweaked Shadowheart’s Ability score. Reduced her CHA and increased her STR.
  • Gekh Coal's Animate Dead can only be used on humanoid, small or medium, non-monstrosity targets.
  • Revamped myconid combat and gave them archetypes: Restless, Mossy and Noxious.
  • Made it so that Gnolls approaching the collapsed bridge will jump across the gap, should they need to.
  • Decreased the amount of resources gained by Druid & other spellcasting bosses upon level up.
  • Added a 2 turns immunity to Harpies’ Lured if you manage to resist it. If you do get Lured, then Lured replaces Luring Song for better clarity.
  • Made sure that Luring Song is considered a Charm spell, and can be dispelled by spells addressing those.
  • Gave melee Harpies the Stone Throw action as fallback, should they be unable to reach the player.
  • Made sure Wood Elf NPCs inherit all the traits & features they should.

  • Fixed a crash when loading a cross-save while the save was still syncing.
  • Fixed a potential crash triggered when the unfortunate Gnome is freed.
  • Fixed a possible crash in EffectHandler.
  • Fixed combat in multiplayer possibly causing a crash for other players in a different fight.
  • Fixed a common issue where NPCs sometimes react to Druid Wildshapes that are no longer active.
  • Fixed attack roll with off-hand weapon not applying a bonus from the ability modifier.
  • Made several places and items reachable that weren't before.
  • Fixed bugs on ladder climbing animations for Druid that was Wildshaped into Wolf and Deep Rothe.
  • There is more consistent access to lockpicking and key use when freeing Liam from the torture rack.
  • After Gekh tells the player about Thrinn's boots the player can hand them over without restarting the dialogue, if they have already found the boots.
  • Fixed some doors that allowed you to jump through the gaps, because doors shouldn't do that.
  • Fixed damage bonuses that weren't showing up in the Character Sheet and action tooltips.
  • Fixed issue where options were not saving properly after resetting and relaunching the game.
  • Resting will no longer break Fighting Style: Protection
  • Fixed bug where Mol wouldn't return stolen belongings..
  • Fixed twin versions of characters in certain cinematic scenes.
  • Summoned creatures are now unsummoned when the caster is incapacitated.
  • Equipping a lit torch now correctly applies gameplay light to the carrier.
  • Fixed some destroyed objects not playing their destruct animations.
  • Fixed ragdolls not updating when corpses are moved.
  • Fixed Mystra projection.
  • Moonbeam can no longer be moved with alt+left click drag.
  • Fixed microphone from unmuting when joining a lobby on Stadia.
  • Fixed duergar spore servant dialogues in the Myconid Colony.
  • Reference model of the Spiderling is no longer present in the spell.
  • Fixed the dummy appearing for the door backdraft effect.
  • Fixed some issues with Direct Connect.
  • Fixed being able to walk though standing light sources.
  • Fixed fade to black sometimes persisting for too long in some cinematics.
  • Owlbear Cub and Scratch acknowledgment dialogue will now correctly trigger if the other dies :(
  • Fixed issue where the narrator speaks over cinematics in multiplayer.
  • Fixed the missing character sounds after critical hits.
  • Fixed Goblin War Cry not being usable by the combat AI.
  • Fixed some non-damage spells removing Mask of Regret status.
  • Fixed Gekh Coals passives not being in line with a regular Duergar.
  • Fixed one of the Minotaur's passives not having display text.
  • Added a ranged spell for Boooal to use if he is stuck and can't reach targets in melee.
  • Fixed a potential blocker in multiplayer when one player is requesting to go to camp, while the other player is entering combat.
  • Fixed issue where characters would move through a door and try to open it from the other side.
  • Combat AI: fixed AI skipping a turn after using a supporting action and then getting interrupted in the following action.
  • Fixed keyboard input rotating the camera when entering character name in the character creator.
  • Fixed launcher scaling on low resolution or screens with DPI scaling enabled.
  • Fixed not being able to drag an item from the world into a container.
  • Fixed characters floating upwards when picking up a container or other items they collide with.
  • Fixed several item interactions not working while in turn based mode.
  • Fixed items sometimes falling through the platforms they're placed on.
  • Fixed multiple Mindmeld cinematics.
  • Shadowheart will now talk to players again after being resurrected at the chapel entrance.
  • Shadowheart will now talk to players again even if they used Lae'zel to free her.
  • Added a couple more metal ladders around Dror Ragzlin.
  • Fixed issue where Rush spell could be applied to targets at a different elevation, allowing the caster to reach positions they shouldn't be able to reach.
  • Fixed downed players/companions getting knocked out when hit with a non-lethal attack.
  • Gave Yerle & Erna a metal ladder instead of a wooden one. Also tweaked their spells, items, and visuals.
  • Changed colour of Outpost Spiders.
  • Fixed issue where the attack button in Ellyka's dialogue did not initiate combat.
  • Added missing content to 'Origins of Zhentarim' book.
  • Fixed inventory overlapping hotbar when there is a lot of items
  • Fixed issue where the well in Blighted Village couldn't be used a second time.
  • Fixed localization having issues with symbols `«` and `»`.
  • Fixed overlapping text on the map UI, triggered when player can't travel because of danger.
  • Thulla now waits for players to be close enough before talking.
  • Killing Sovereign Spaw now completes Glut's quest.
  • Chill Touch tooltip now properly shows duration of 1 turn.
  • Made sure Hobgoblins & Bugbears cannot use tunnels reserved for Goblins.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from talking to a rat in the Torturer's room of Goblin Camp.
  • The correct voiceline is now spoken when you succeed the arcana check on the Illithid device in the transformation room of the Nautiloid.
  • The player character now correctly addresses the state of the Forest area after teleporting there from the Underdark via a Fairy Ring.
  • Fixed several issues with the Mobile feat.
  • Fixed Halsin's Bear Wildshape's weapon attack.
  • If the player dismisses Glut from the party after accepting his quest - Avenge Glut's Circle - Glut will wait at the Ebonlake Grotto instead of the Decrepit Village.
  • Fixed a bug where attacking Spaw manually (instead of through dialog) during the Avenge Glut's Circle quest prevented the Myconids from becoming neutral after Spaw is killed.
  • Fixed a bug where Glut's quest - Avenge Glut's Circle - would not proceed correctly if Spaw was attacked by a player character other than the character that Glut was following.
  • Fixed an issue where high approval with Shadowheart causes her default dialogue to stop playing.
  • If Shadowheart is not in your party and is unconscious during the voice of the Absolute event on the Goblin bridge, she will now die.
  • Fixed an issue with one of Lae'zel's lines lacking audio in the Nautiloid helm.
  • Sneaking and invisible characters are no longer excluded from the initial Nautiloid helm dialog.
  • The dragon scene on the Nautiloid upper deck now also plays for characters in combat.
  • Shadowheart will no longer take offense when players attack the captured thralls on the Nautiloid.
  • The Mindflayer on the Nautiloid will now only betray the player once all present devils have been taken out.
  • Fixed an issue where companions recruited on the Nautiloid did not trigger the devil reinforcements at the Nautiloid helm.
  • Fixed an issue where the dialogue with the transponder did not start.
  • Liam now correctly escapes the torture room if torture rack is destroyed while he is awake.
  • Fixed journal bugs in "Find the Missing Boots" quest.
  • Players now can take Gekh Coal's quest if they resolved his situation peacefully but refused the initial quest offer.
  • Fixed a bug with Thulla's dialogue ending abruptly if you steal her boots then heal her with noblestalk.
  • Thulla now has Boots of Speed actually equipped.
  • Fixed issue related to ambushes when a player jumped to their death into an ambush/dialogue trigger.
  • Added and revised passive skill descriptions, tooltips, spells, and statuses throughout.
  • Added missing effect for Warlock's Armour of Shadows.
  • Added crime reactions to being charmed, polymorphed, dominated.
  • Added revised origin tag description to Gale.
  • Fixed a bug where kids would attack you if you failed to Detect their Thoughts. They flee now.
  • Replaced the conversation to rescue Benryn by a roll if he's already on fire.
  • Fixed issue where an illusory wall would join the combat order.
  • Fixed issue where Fezzerk's goblins would attack Wyll on sight rather than start his dialogue.
  • Fixed issue where Gale's illusory double would remain around if the conversation with him is skipped.
  • Made the hag's illusory double vanish when attacked.
  • Fixed the hag's quest not closing if you knock out her guest.
  • Arron's items are now owned by him.
  • Performance fix for when killing NPCs out of combat.
  • Feedback when non-guard NPCs notice you Wildshape/disguise after a prison break. Now they'll report this to guards.
  • Fixed persuasion DCs in theft and pickpocket interrogation dialogues that were too easy.
  • A repaired gate will be in Sylvanus' Grove during the siege, if it had previously been destroyed beforehand.
  • Goblin leaders can now be defeated non-lethally.
  • The all-out attack of the Druids now considers characters that have been disabled non-lethally.
  • Fixed bug where the game considered Volo to still be in the Grove after he left.
  • Fixed issue where Wyll and/or Shadowheart fail to properly react when in combat with Druids, after dying during the Goblin attack at the gate and being resurrected.
  • Added a line to Halsin's dialogue that makes it sound like he made it to the Druid Camp all by himself if that wasn't the case.
  • Fixed when a combination of events would keep Nettie from reacting properly once she reached her workshop.
  • Tieflings will now vacate Druid's Grove if too many are killed or have left.
  • Fixed a bug where a goblin would randomly show up in the Grove if all druids were killed.
  • Druid's Grove ritual now requires at least one druid to remain alive in order to trigger.
  • Fixed bugs with the gatekeeper of the grove.
  • If player triggers Druids attacking Tieflings and then leaves the Grove, the ritual does not immediately complete.
  • Fixed Goblin Camp not becoming hostile after certain outcomes of Minthara's betrayal.
  • Tweaked certain texts that did not match voice recordings.
  • The Silvanus' Grove waypoint will now be unlocked after combat when Zevlor invites everyone inside.
  • Scratch can now accept all the pets again, as he is a very good boy.
  • Ormn is no longer picky about his fish and will eat them again.
  • Sazza will now correctly become hostile if betrayed during her escape.
  • The Owlbear Cub will no longer spawn then disappear from camp when all the Goblin leaders are killed.
  • Druids will turn hostile if the Rite of Thorns is interrupted by the death of any of the 5 druids performing the ritual.
  • Fixed and improved interaction between Abdirak and the goblins Spike and Lookout Grush.
  • Replaced several books in the Druid Grove by the stone tablets. Tweaked the position of several books.
  • Lae'zel can't be revived after being killed in camp during the night where everyone feels sick. Other companions won't turn hostile when Lae'zel is killed during this scene.
  • Minor fixes to the combat AI of the tutorial Imps.
  • Nadira will now stay at range and throw rocks instead of trying to attack the Bugbear in melee.
  • Fixed Torgga's passives to be consistent with that of a Duergar.
  • Fixed Halsin's Dash spell not appearing on hotbar when in Bear form.
  • Fixed Minotaur, Owlbear, and Hook Horror jump spells not playing intended AoEs.
  • Fixed Bugbear now having proficiency with its morning star.
  • Fixed missing items in trade UI.
  • Fixed wrong skill values in tooltips in character creation.
  • Selune Fort in the Underdark will become a much cosier place when the gem powering the protection statues is destroyed.
  • Made sure poor Bernard can climb ladders.
  • Fixed Goblins that had the wrong AI archetype.
  • Updated item descriptions for a variety of items to make their gameplay links more clear.
  • Characters affected by a Loss of Control status like Surprised or Stunned now have overhead text display above them on their turn.
  • Fixed gameplay issues on Hag's Second Marriage wand.
  • Fixed VFX for Hallucination Spores.
  • Improved navigation around Gnoll Flind fight by making certain rocks walkable.
  • Made sure Pack Tactics can solely be used by Wolves & Hyenas.
  • Made sure that the camera stops on a singing Harpy.
  • Fixed certain wall sconces throughout the game that could not be lit.
  • Gave Ebonlake ships better names.
  • Made sure Drow NPCs had Fey Ancestry.
  • Improved Gehk Coal combat experience by making it possible to shoot through and walk through certain decor items.
  • Improved UX of Gut's shield's Bless/Bane spell ("Word of the Absolute").
  • Plea at the Gates: improved navigation by making the flat rock in front of Zevlor accessible to walk on.
  • Gave Minthara proper Drow armour - changed from ringmail to leather.
  • Fixed crash site's Intellect Devourer that could get stuck trying to jump down its platform.
  • Fixed opening multiple instances of the Pickpocket UI when attempting to repeatedly pickpocket.
  • Fixed character models disappearing sometimes when changing into too many disguises.
  • Gave Lone Duergar a chill pill so he no longer becomes hostile even if you persuade him to calm down.
  • Fixed wrong footstep sounds in various location.
  • Fixed missing Imp Sound Vocalization Feedback.
  • Fixed Twitch extension secret key field visibility when it is not filled in.
  • Passives now correctly display additional description.
  • Fixed ability to pin tooltips infinitely.
  • Fixed world map not matching minimap alignment.
  • Spell tooltips now correctly show recharge times.
  • Fixed jump icon keep blinking after it was used.
  • Fixed reward UI not showing after loading when quick saving while the UI was open.
  • Fixed "downed" UI disappearing after loading savegame with downed characters.
  • You can't attack containers inside your inventory anymore.
  • Fixed wrongly aligned elements of lobby.
  • Fixed Double Iron Doors animation.
  • Fixed issue that appeared when lockpicking a chest within your inventory.
  • Fixed the super loud Pig squeal on the Tutorial transponder. No pigs were harmed in this patch.
  • Fixed Dwarves having delayed activation of beards; hair now remains luscious.
  • Fixed issue where Wildshapes would keep custom visuals.
  • Downed players and companions no longer get knocked out when hit with a non-lethal attack.
  • "Critical Hit!" text no longer appears on screen when a downed character is hit with a non-lethal attack.
  • Fixed crashes after ending the tutorial.
  • Auntie Ethel's Hair reward now gives the character a stat boost as intended.
  • Stacked items will no longer disappear from the hotbar if one of them is thrown.
  • Broken ladders can be climbed again.
  • Fixed Moon Gate puzzle issue triggered when leaving the area, saving, or reloading.
  • Fixed issue blocking players from speaking with Fezzerk after he is knocked out using a Non-Lethal Attack.
  • Stopped certain items from being duplicated after being dropped by an enemy.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Senior Member
Ich vermisse irgendwie die Möglichkeit, weiter als Level 4 zu kommen... Und das ist aus meiner Sicht enttäuschend, weil da fangen dann Balancing-Probleme an etc. Da sollte man eher früher wie später hinkommen und sich halt das Feedback der Spieler holen.

Warum nicht mal Level 6 anpeilen und schauen, was passiert?


Senior Member
Auf schmutzige Gesichter und Klamotten hätte ich auch verzichten können, etwas mehr Klassen und Inhalt wäre mir lieber. Und auf eine Salami als Waffe habe ich schon lange gewartet...


Senior Member
Naja, es ist vor allem noch EA. Und zwar noch lange ;) (mind. 1 Jahr)

Wenn du Spass hast, nur bis Level 4 zu spielen, kannst du das Geld ausgeben, ansonsten würde ich warten, bis sich abzeichnet, dass sie das tatsächlich bis zum Ende entwickeln.


Senior Member
So, mal ein Post hier, ohne konkreten Anlass: ich hab mal nachgeschaut und es gab im letzten Jahr 3 Updates. Insgesamt ein kleines neues Gebiet, 2 neue Klassen und Berücksichtigung von Fertigkeiten beim Würfeln von Ergebnissen. Und viel Arbeit an der Grafik und den Animationen.

Also irgendwie etwas wenig für 1 Jahr. Ok, es ist Pandemie, viele Leute arbeiten von zu Hause aus, die Kommunikation in den Teams leidet. Aber dass das in der Software-Entwicklung ein dramatisches Problem ist, überrascht mich schon. Zumindest läuft ja die offizielle Kommunikation darauf raus.

In den ganzen Ankündigungen (und mehr ist es nicht), war ja davon die Rede, dass es mehr Begleiter geben soll als die bisherigen, aber da ist nichts dazu gekommen. Weder im Spiel noch außerhalb. Und mal so etwas wie eine Biographie eines Begleiters oder allgemein eine Vorstellung eines weiteren Begleiters (Rasse, Klasse, Name) wäre ja jetzt nichts, bei dem man Spielinhalt vorweg nimmt. Aber da ist einfach: nichts.

Und wenn ich mal überlege, wie viel Aufwand das Implementieren einer neuen Klasse ist, die sich an einem Regelwerk des P&P-Spiels orientiert und daher keine größeren Anstrengungen beim Balancing erfordert, und wie hoch der Aufwand für einen neuen Begleiter sein dürfte, dann gab es im letzten Jahr nur Peanuts. Vor allem sehe ich ein Problem, wenn die Spielergruppe Level 5 erreicht und mit dann 2 Aktionen ganz neue taktische Möglichkeiten auftauchen. Das dürfte in Hinblick auf Balancing ganz neue Herausforderungen ergeben. Vor allem in Hinblick auf die Möglichkeiten bei gekoppelten Effekten, beim Einbeziehen der Umgebung. Das dürfte einige Zeit benötigen und warum lässt man nicht einfach die Spieler das mal im Spiel testen und ausprobieren?

Was ich mich frage: was haben die Entwickler überhaupt? Gibt es überhaupt schon die Story für Abschnitt 2+3? Hat man die bestehenden Begleiter überhaupt weiter gedacht als ihre Hintergrundgeschichte? Wie sollen/können die sich entwickeln? Gibt es überhaupt schon mehr Begleiter, die zumindest als Konzept vorhanden sind? Ich habe da inzwischen ernsthafte Zweifel. Githyanki, Gedankenschinder, viele Tieflinge: schon irgendwie cool, aber vielleicht nur der Köder? Weil ansonsten nichts da ist außer einer groben Idee? Schaut man ins Forum zu den Latest News stehen da nur die Infos zu HotFixes und Updates. Es gibt nicht wie bei anderen Spielen in der Entwicklung so etwas wir Artwork, wo man schon mal sehen könnte, was da alles noch kommen könnte. Neben dem Trailer und der ingame Karte keine Infos zu Baldurs Tor oder ähnlichen Orten. Einfach nichts? Warum denn so geheimnisvoll?

Was haben wir dann als Story bisher: der Spieler wurde wohl von den Gedankenschindern entführt, egal woher er auch kommt. Das passt schon und man daher dem Spieler freie Wahl bei der Erstellung des Charakters lassen. Aber niemand kann auch Bezug auf irgendetwas nehmen: keine Kindheitserinnerungen oder -freund. Keine Gespräche darüber, wo man herkommt, was man bisher erlebt hat. Aber ok, ist halt eine Design-Entscheidung bei der Story. Dann hat der Spieler ebenso wie seine Begleiter eine Larve im Kopf, die aus dem Spieler einen Gedankenschinder machen könnte oder auch nicht. Einige leben ja wohl gut damit. Die Larve sorgt für neue Fähigkeiten übernatürlicher Art. Ist bei einigen Situationen der Deus ex Machina für Probleme (wie komme ich an den Wachen vorbei? Gedankenschinderfähigkeit). Gut, ein netter Trick der Entwickler, aber nicht wirklich beeindruckend. Und dann gibt es eine Gruppierung, die mit den Gedankenschindern paktiert und dafür von diesen bevorzugt behandelt wird. Und die Aufgabe ist jetzt, die Larve im Kopf los zu werden. Das haben alle bisherigen Begleiter gemeinsam und sind damit motiviert mit dem Spieler zusammen zu arbeiten. Das ist etwas arm... Vor allem stellt sich die Frage: was haben die anderen Begleiter (geplant, aber noch nicht existent)? Wahrscheinlich genau dieselbe Motivation. Und das könnte echt schwierig werden, da noch sinnvolle Charaktere zu entwickeln. So aus Spielleitersicht eigentlich gar nicht schlecht: die Gruppe hat ein gemeinsames Ziel, ich kann mir viele Nebenaufgaben ausdenken, die sie dann zusammen motiviert erledigen. Als Start habe ich das Gefangenenszenario. Das kann man so spielen beim P&P. Aber für ein Computerspiel?
Die Story ist angelegt, mehrere Optionen scheinen auf (über den Pass oder durch das Unterreich; die Absoluten infiltrieren oder offen bekämpfen; auf die Heilung durch den Druiden setzen oder nicht). Oder werden das nur scheinbare Möglichkeiten sein, bei denen es nachher nur einen Weg gibt? Ein neues SoD? Da bietet einem Caelar ja am Anfang auch an, auf ihre Seite zu wechseln, geht aber später nicht. Eine enttäuschende Hauptstory mit netten Nebenquests. Kommt das auch hier? Warten wir es mal ab...

Wobei ich mir inzwischen sicher bin: eine Fertigstellung in 2022 wäre eine ziemliche Überraschung. Und meine Vermutung wäre: sie haben auch kein Geld mehr, um überhaupt das Spiel weiter zu entwickeln. Von daher wird das eine unfertige Ruine bleiben, die vor sich hin dümpelt und vllt mal ein Fan-Projekt wird, falls Larian da nicht noch einen Geldgeber auftreibt.
Dass das Spiel Potential hat, da gibt es glaube ich wenig Zweifel. Aber dass sich Larian mit der Aufgabe übernommen hat, erscheint mir sehr wahrscheinlich.


Senior Member
Na ja, die Geldfrage ist halt, wer das finanziert. WotC wird schon ein Interesse haben, dass das Spiel auch fertig gestellt wird. Mit dem 5e System will man ja wieder unangefochtener Marktführer werden.
Ob Larian sich mit dem Spiel übernommen hat, sieht zurzeit ganz so aus. Der Multiplayer ist auch noch nicht so richtig ausgereift. Man verzettelt sich in Details, die zwar ganz nett sind oder auch überflüssig, kommt aber mit der Handlung nicht weiter. Intern scheinen Stufenaufstiege auch schon implementiert zu sein. Das neue Gebiet ist ganz ok, aber insgesamt nicht so riesig.
Pandemie hin oder her, gerade bei Softwareentwicklung und kreativer Arbeit geht vieles von Zuhause, und wenn Larians Mitarbeiter nicht gerade in einer einsamen Gegend ohne vernünftige Internetleitung wohnen, sollte gemeinsames Brainstorming kein Problem sein. Es sitzen viele Leute zuhause, und die Meetings laufen online. Gerade im IT Bereich sollte das gehen. Meine RL Erfahrungen zeigen, dass selbst nicht so technikaffine Leute sich schnell an die entsprechenden Programme gewöhnen. Privat hat das auch sehr gut geklappt, außer bei wirklich sehr alten Familienmitgliedern, die gesundheitlich bedingt, sich auch nicht mehr an die Technik gewöhnen können.


Senior Member
Meine Überlegung geht halt auch in die Richtung: wenn wir mal eher 2023-2024 als realistische Fertigstellung sehen (wenn überhaupt): wer interessiert sich dann noch für die 5te Edition? Ist dann nicht schon die nächste draußen (egal in welcher Zählweise)?

Technisch sehe ich keine Probleme beim Stufenaufstieg, aber halt beim Balancing. Wenn ich den Vorbereitungszauber in derselben Runde schon nutzen kann, in der ich ihn spreche (z.B. beim Ziel markieren), dann wird das einen ziemlichen Unterschied machen. Und mit den neuen Möglichkeiten von Effekt-Kombinationen und Interaktion mit der Umgebung, geht da einiges, da hat man ja schon sehr kreative Möglichkeiten gesehen. Aber es sind halt in der Regel die Spieler, die die Möglichkeiten erkunden, seltener die Entwickler. Und wenn man dann schon eine Art Open-Beta hat, dann könnte man die große Menge der Spieler ja schon mal auf das Problem loslassen. Einfach nur Level 5 oder auch noch 6 freischalten (mehr braucht es ja erstmal nicht) und dann schauen, was man am Design noch ändern muss, damit es es nicht ausartet. Oder vielleicht auch einiges dann für die KI-Skripte übernehmen. Aber wenn man eh keine Ressourcen für Anpassungen hat, kann man sich das natürlich auch schenken...