Changelog V 0.8:
- added final English version by megrimlock
- all fiends now have a better detect invisibilty system according to the rules of AD&D; only the mightiest fiends (Balor, Marilith) have the power to see through illusions and detect invisibility immediately, all other fiends use some sort of spells according to their abilities
- The Modron puzzle is now solvable for players with a color vision deficiency, as I have added info triggers.
- Many dialogues have been streamlined to match BG2
- added correct tavern and inn flags for the various inns / tavern in the mod
- Verin now has weaker saving throws and a lower level for his spells
- Added arrows of dispelling in Graz'zts prison
- added a scroll of contingency in Graz'zts prison
- added a cloak of non-detection on the Infinite Staircase
- you can now only purchase one single Deva wing
- removed a non-reachable container in AC#W55
- added traps in AC#W55
- added traps in AC#W50
- added traps in AC#W60
- Bebilith is not attacking injured party members anymore
- Aerie refuses now to put on the Fey'ri diadem
- Fey'ri diadem can't be used by Haer'Dalis anymore as he is technically an elf, but in game terms a tiefling
- Fey'ri diadem now changes the appearance while equipped by thieves and bards
- new voiceover for the Innkeeper in the Sodden Solar
- Belthazaar now turns hostile if you attack him in Samora
- Players can now attack and kill Belthazaar in Samora to solve Ormad's quest
- repainted a part of the map AC#W19.tis as there was a missing brick
- added quest journal entries to finish the quest "A Larva for Margrog"
- added quest journal entries to finish the quest "Prisoner and guard all in one"
- added quest journal entries to finish the quest "The missing amulet"
- Lucky Aello doesn't sell identified items anymore
- Cell key now opens all cells in area AC#W80
- added a different questline in the acid ponds; the players can now take the acid in their bare hands (and get burnt) instead of using the helmet
- repainted portrait of Waukeen (golden eyes, as described in the rulesbook)
- Daugralluvidan ignores now NPCs under the effect of Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
- Mazzy can now invoke courage at the Tree of Cowards using her innate ability
- Trar'gezal now attacks everybody that attacks him
- AC#W56: you can no longer walk through a closed door
- fixed various dialogue errors
- Soul token seller deletes re-purchased soul tokens
- Soul token seller now increases damage amount after purchasing 100 soul tokens
- corrected AC#W70.tis pvrz files
- corrected AC#W80.tis pvrz files
- corrected AC#W90.tis pvrz files
- corrected AC#W52.tis pvrz files
- corrected AC#W47 search map
- BP-BGT worldmap now uses correct icon #219 (Goldspires) and location for the starting area AC#W01
- uses zip compression, as some players had problems unpacking a .rar archive