[Installation] Siege of Dragonspear Version


Liebe Community,

ich habe eine kurze Frage: ich überlege mir das Teil zuzulegen (hauptsächlich zum einmaligen Spielen und für EET).

Ich habe ja ursprünglich die boxed Versionen von BGEE und BGIIEE aus dem Handel. Wenn ich SoD runterladen will steht bei Steam (funktioniert nur mit der Steamversion von BGEE). Geht das dann trotzdem mit meiner Version oder wie komm ich sonst an eine kompatible Version? Hat da jemand Erfahrungen?

Danke und LG


Matron Modderholic
Nein, das geht leider nicht. SoD kannst Du nur online über den Distributor kaufen, bei dem Du BG:EE gekauft hast. Das ist zumindest mein Wissensstand. Du kannst aber, wenn Du ein BeamDog-Spiel gekauft hast, einen Steam-Key dafür bekommen. Mehr Infos gibt es dazu hier: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/50138/requesting-steam-keys/p1


Danke sowas ähnliches dacht ich mir.... Ich habe d. Boxed version mit key über d. Beamdog client eingelöst zum patchen.

Ändert das etwas?


Matron Modderholic
Was genau meinst Du mit was sich ändern könnte? Ob der BG:EE-Inhalt sich mit SoD ändert oder beziehst Du Dich weiterhin auf die SoD-Erweiterung? Wenn Du BG:EE über den BeamDog-Klient bezogen hast, dann musst Du SoD auch über BeamDog kaufen. Ob Du zusätzlich noch einen Steam-Key haben kannst, müsstest Du den BeamDog Support fragen.


Danke Jastey, war jetzt einige Tage krank. Dachte mir das schon so, dass ich das nicht einfach via steam laden kann und mit d. Beamdog versionen kombinieren kann.


Hallo zusammen!
Ich muss mich mal hier einklinken. Nachdem ich nun seit langer Zeit mal wieder BG I & II durchgespielt habe, strebe ich nun nach einem größeren Spielerlebnis und überlege daher die SoD Erweiterung zu holen und alles zu kombinieren (EET?). Nun lese ich hier durch meinen Vorredner, dass das wohl keinen Sinn macht. Ich habe mir vor über einem Jahr die EE über Amazon als normale DVD Version geholt. Danach musste ich mich bei Beamdog registrieren und dann ging es los, wenn ich mich recht entsinne. Ich habe noch nie ein Spiel heruntergeladen und habe von Steam und Co im Grunde nie was gehört. Also verzeiht mir meine Ahnungslosigkeit :shine:


Senior Member
Die boxed Versionen funktionierten ohne Beamdoganmeldung, allerdings waren sie noch auf dem Stand 1.3, wenn ich mich richtig erinnere. Man kann sich aber bei Beamdog registrieren und die Spiele suf den aktuellen 2.5 Patch ziehen. Wenn das geschehen ist, kann man über Beamdog auch SoD kaufen und herunterladen.
Ich kann dazu nur theoretisch etwas sagen. Ich hatte bei GoG, die original Versionen und habe, bevor sie zusammengefasst wurden, die EEs für kleines Geld gekauft und SoD dort gekauft. Weswegen ich meine DVD Versionen nie bei Beamdog eingelöst habe.
Wenn du keine schlechte Internetleitung hast, sollte es kein Problem sein, das herunterladen zu laden. Es sind so zwischen 2 und 3 GB. Zum Bezahlen brauchst du wahrscheinlich eine Kreditkarte. Sicher weiß ich das aber nicht.


Danke. Ich probiere das mal.
Auch wenn es schon langsam nicht mehr in diesen Thread passt, aber wie gehe ich denn mit der Installation dann vor? Sollte ich meine BG I und II EE (jeweils separat gemoddet) komplett deinstallieren, bevor ich dann die Spiele miteinander verbinde? Ihr habt so viele super Tipps hier im Forum und ich habe auch schon ganz viel gelesen, aber ich sehe den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht.


Senior Member
Für die EET: neue Installation beider Spiele und SoD kommt als DLC einfach zu BG1 dazu. Vor irgendwelchen Mods eine mod-merger anschmeißen, weil SoD manchmal in gepackter Form vorliegt und dann nicht mit WeiDU installiert werden kann. Dann die nötigen BG1-Mods installieren, dann in dem BG2EE-Ordner die EET starten, dann die restlichen Mods dazu fügen und dann die EET abschließen.

Welche Mods wohin kommen, findet man hier: https://k4thos.github.io/EET-Compatibility-List/EET-Compatibility-List.html


Senior Member
Bei Beamdog ist dies nicht nötig. Du musst SoD bei ihnen kaufen und die beiden anderen Spiele auf den neuesten Patch ziehen und deswegen auch noch mal neu herunterladen. Da fällt mir auf, dass wir eher bei 10 GB landen. Das Herunterladen funktioniert mit dem BeamdogClient, die wahrscheinlich die Spiele in einen von ihm erstellten Ordner installiert. Dort die Spiele mal kurz anspielen, um zu sehen, ob alles funktioniert. Dann würde ich die Spiele außerhalb der Programme in einen neuen Ordner kopieren. Also zum Beispiel:
Benutzer/XXX/EET/SoD und Benutzer/XXX/EET/BG2 EE.
Eine kleine Anleitung findest du hier:
Wenn etwas unklar ist, kannst du gerne nachfragen.


Und hier kommt schon eine wahrscheinlich ziemlich blöde Frage...
Ich habe vorhin mithilfe des obigen Links zahlreiche Mods heruntergeladen. Installiert habe ich noch nichts. In den FAQs ist nun von dem EET Core die Rede, dem quasi Herzstück des Ganzen, denke ich mal. Wo finde ich das denn?
Und sollte ich nun ein Tool (PI) verwenden oder lieber alles manuell machen?


Senior Member

Ich persönlich mache es manuell und würde das empfehlen. Natürlich muss man sich da dann auch Gedanken machen, was man wie machen will ;)


Matron Modderholic
@Nimeros hast Du mal in @Morywen s Thread geschaut wo sie begonnen hat, eine Installations FAQ für alle momentan aktuellen THemen (EET, PI, BGT, etc.) zu erstellen? (Link)


Ja, habe ich durchgelesen. Den Link mit der EET-Core hatte ich wohl übersehen. Der Sicherheit halber mal mein Stand der Dinge.
Ich habe alle Mods heruntergeladen und in einem seperaten Ordner gespeichert und bislang alle Anweisungen der FAQ befolgt. Nun gehe ich wie folgt vor:
1. Entpacken aller BG EE Mods in meinen BG EE Ordner.
2. Alle entpackten Mods mittels vorhandener exe installieren.
3. Alle BG 2 EE Mods in meinen BG 2 EE Ordner entpacken (inklusive EET und weidu)
4. EET installieren.
5. Alle restlichen Mods installieren.

Soweit richtig?
Offene Fragen:
Was mache ich mit der weidu?
In den FAQ steht etwas von EET Fixpack, EET end, EET gui und Gui Mods...damit kann ich momentan nicht viel anfangen, da ich sie nicht explizit unter diesem Link https://k4thos.github.io/EET-Compatibility-List/EET-Compatibility-List.html gefunden habe.

Sorry noch mal für die Fragen in dem inzwischen wohl völlig falschen Thread. Ich finde das Forum hier super informativ. Es gibt tolle Threads, die FAQs sind klasse und man bekommt zeitnah Feedback. Vielleicht helfen meine Laienfragen ja dennoch dabei die FAQ ein wenig zu verbessern.


Senior Member
@Nimeros Die eetend und eetgui werden während der Installation der eetcore, eet.exe,erst entpackt und nach Installation aller anderen Mods installiert. Es gibt noch andere Mods, die die Benutzeroberfläche verändern. Diese sollte man in den meisten Fällen zum Ende hin installieren. Dann kann man sie bei nicht Gefallen deinstallieren.
Die weidu ist aktuell bei 246. Bei PPG kannst du unter Weimars Republic/WeiDu die aktuelle Version herunterladen. Die EET kommt, glaube ich, mit der aktuellsten Version. Im BG1 Sektor kannst du auf Nummer sicher gehen, die weidu.exe, die mit dem letzten Download kommt, in die .exe der ersten zu installierenden Mod umbenennen.
Der eetfixpack wird von Roxanne betreut. Er kann an einigen Stellen nützlich sein, allerdings patched er auch Dinge, die eher tweaks als reine patches sind. Die Verwendung ist optional und damit verbunden, wie puristisch man ist. Link zum Fixpack findet man unter baldursgateextended.com


Also mein erster Installationsversuch ist schon mal gescheitert.
Habe zunächst alle Mods in meinem BG EE 1 Ordner entpackt und nach FAQ Reihenfolge installiert.
Dann im BG EE 2 Ordner die EET-setup.exe gestartet. Dort sollte ich den Pfad von SOD angeben. Dann ratterte das Ganze ca. 5 Minuten so rum und brach dann schließlich ab.
Muss ich eigentlich in den SOD Ordner auch Mods installieren? Ich bin ja wirklich ahnungslos und mir erschließt sich nicht, wie diese drei Ordner "zusammengefügt" werden sollen. Muss ich jetzt wieder alles löschen und neu installieren?
Hatte schon mal vermutet, dass es was mit der Berechtigung zu tun hat und ich die Datei als Admin hätte ausführen müssen. :confused:

Hier die Fehlermeldung:
'EET.flag' file is used by WeiDU to recognize the installation as EET
Copying 1 file ...
[EET\bin\win32\x86_64\weidu.exe] loaded, 1057792 bytes
Copied [EET\bin\win32\x86_64\weidu.exe] to [setup-EET_end.exe]
Copying 1 file ...
[EET\bin\win32\x86_64\weidu.exe] loaded, 1057792 bytes
Copied [EET\bin\win32\x86_64\weidu.exe] to [setup-EET_gui.exe]
Copying 1 file ...
Copied [.../userprofile.bat] to [EET/temp/userprofile.bat] (NO BACKUP MADE!)
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[EET/temp/path.txt] loaded, 18 bytes
Copied [EET/temp/path.txt] to [EET/temp/path.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!)
Copying 1 file ...
Copied [.../shortcut.bat] to [shortcut.bat] (NO BACKUP MADE!)
Copying 1 file ...
[EET/temp/EET.lnk] loaded, 904 bytes
ERROR: COPY ~EET/temp/EET.lnk~ ~C:\Users\MEIN PC~ FAILED: cannot open target
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [EET core (resource importation)], rolling back to previous state
Unable to Unlink [EET/backup/0/OTHER.0]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "EET/backup/0/OTHER.0")
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199057, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199056, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199055, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199054, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199053, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199052, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199051, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199050, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199049, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199048, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199047, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199046, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199045, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199044, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199043, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199042, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199041, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199040, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199039, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199038, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199037, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199036, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199035, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199034, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199033, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199032, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199031, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199030, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199029, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199028, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199027, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199026, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199025, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199024, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199024, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199023, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199022, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199021, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199020, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199019, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199018, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199017, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199016, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199015, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199014, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199013, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199012, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199011, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199010, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199009, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199008, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199007, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199006, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199005, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199004, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199003, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199002, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199001, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #199000, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270672, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270671, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270670, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270669, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270668, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270667, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270666, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270665, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270663, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270662, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270661, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270660, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270659, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270658, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270657, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #270656, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #271107, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #271106, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #271105, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #271104, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #271103, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #271102, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #271101, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #232736, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #232735, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #232734, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #232733, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #232732, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #232731, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #232728, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #232737, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #256378, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #256375, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #256373, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #256371, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #256368, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #256974, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #215841, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #215840, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #215839, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #215838, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #215837, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #215836, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216190, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #256975, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #256376, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #256374, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #256372, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #256370, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #256369, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216209, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216208, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216207, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216206, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216205, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216204, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216203, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #211899, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #211898, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268871, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268865, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268864, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268863, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268862, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268861, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268860, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268859, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268858, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268855, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268854, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268853, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268852, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268851, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268850, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268849, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268848, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268847, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268846, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268845, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268844, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268843, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268842, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268841, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268840, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268837, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268836, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268835, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268834, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268833, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268832, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268831, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268830, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268827, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268826, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268825, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268824, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268817, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268816, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268815, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268814, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268813, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268812, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268811, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268808, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268807, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268806, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268805, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268804, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268803, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268802, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268801, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268800, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268799, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268798, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268797, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268796, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268795, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268794, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268793, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268790, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268789, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268788, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268787, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268786, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268785, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268784, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268783, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268780, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268779, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268778, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268777, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268771, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268770, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268769, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268768, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268767, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268766, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268765, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268764, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268761, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268760, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268759, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268758, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268757, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268756, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268755, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268754, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268753, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268752, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268751, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268750, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268749, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268748, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268747, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268746, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268743, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268742, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268741, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268740, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268739, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268738, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268737, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268736, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268733, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268732, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268731, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268730, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268724, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268723, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268722, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268721, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268720, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268719, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268718, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268717, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268714, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268713, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268712, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268711, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268710, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268709, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268708, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268707, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268706, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268705, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268704, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268703, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268702, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268701, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268700, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268699, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268696, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268695, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268694, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268693, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268692, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268691, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268690, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268689, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268686, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268685, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268684, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #268091, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231696, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231695, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231694, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231693, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231692, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231691, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231690, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231689, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231688, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231687, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231686, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231685, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231684, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231683, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231682, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231681, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231680, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231679, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231678, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231677, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231676, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231675, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231674, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231673, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231672, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231671, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231670, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231669, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231668, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231667, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231666, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231665, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231664, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231663, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231662, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231661, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231660, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231659, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231658, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231657, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231656, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231655, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231654, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231653, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231652, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231651, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231650, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231649, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231648, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231647, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231646, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231645, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231644, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231643, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231642, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231641, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231640, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231639, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231638, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231637, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231636, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231635, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231634, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231633, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231632, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231631, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231630, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231629, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231628, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231627, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231626, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231625, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231624, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231623, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231622, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231621, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231620, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #231619, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219118, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219117, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219116, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219115, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219114, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219113, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219112, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219111, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219110, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219109, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219108, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219107, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219106, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219105, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219104, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219103, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219102, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219101, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219100, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219099, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219098, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219097, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219096, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219095, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219094, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219093, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219092, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219091, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219090, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219089, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219088, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219087, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219086, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219085, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219084, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219083, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219082, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219081, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219080, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219079, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219078, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219077, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219076, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219075, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219074, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219073, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219072, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219071, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219070, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219069, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219068, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219067, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219066, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219065, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219064, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219063, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219062, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219061, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219060, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219059, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219058, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219057, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219056, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219055, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #219054, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #218198, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #218197, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #218196, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #218195, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #218194, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #218193, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #218192, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #218191, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #218190, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #218189, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216260, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216259, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216258, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216257, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216256, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216255, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216254, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216253, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216252, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216251, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216250, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216249, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216248, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216247, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216246, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216245, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216244, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216243, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216242, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216241, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216240, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216239, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216238, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216237, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216236, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #216235, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214601, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214599, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214545, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214543, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214541, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214539, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214538, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214535, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214533, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214530, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214526, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214525, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214524, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214516, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214469, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214468, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214467, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214466, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214465, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214429, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214428, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214427, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214426, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214424, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #214408, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #213774, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #213773, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #213772, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #213771, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #213770, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #213769, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #213767, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #213766, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #212601, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #212600, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #212509, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #212494, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #212493, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #212389, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #212368, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #211725, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #211618, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #211273, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #211045, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #211043, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #211042, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #211041, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #211040, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #211039, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #211038, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #211037, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #211036, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #211035, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #205396, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #205395, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #205360, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #205359, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #205351, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #205350, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204975, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204973, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204799, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204798, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204341, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204340, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204339, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204338, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204337, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204336, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204335, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204334, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204333, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204332, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204331, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204330, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204329, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204120, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204119, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204118, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204117, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204116, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204115, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204114, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204113, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204112, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204111, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204110, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204109, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204108, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204107, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204106, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204105, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204104, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204103, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204102, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204101, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204100, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204099, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204098, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204097, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204096, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204095, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204094, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204093, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204092, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204091, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204090, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204089, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204088, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204087, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204086, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204085, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204084, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204006, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204005, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204003, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204002, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #204001, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203999, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203998, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203997, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203996, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203990, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203989, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203988, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203987, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203986, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203985, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203984, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203982, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203981, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203980, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203979, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203978, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203977, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203976, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203975, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203974, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203973, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203972, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203971, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203970, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203969, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203968, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203967, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203966, out of range 0 -- 103241
WARNING: Cannot uninstall STRING_SET #203965, out of range 0 -- 103241
Will uninstall 14406 files for [EET/EET.TP2] component 0.
Restoring backed-up [EET/backup/0/CHITIN.KEY]
EET/backup/0/CHITIN.KEY copied to CHITIN.KEY, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
Unable to Unlink [EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPPR100.SPL]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPPR100.SPL")
Unable to Unlink [EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPWI100.SPL]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPWI100.SPL")
Unable to Unlink [EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPWI200.SPL]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPWI200.SPL")
Unable to Unlink [EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPWI966.SPL]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPWI966.SPL")
Unable to Unlink [EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN100.SPL]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN100.SPL")
Unable to Unlink [EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN204.SPL]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN204.SPL")
Unable to Unlink [EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN400.SPL]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN400.SPL")
Unable to Unlink [EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN401.SPL]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN401.SPL")
Unable to Unlink [EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN500.SPL]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN500.SPL")
Unable to Unlink [EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN501.SPL]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN501.SPL")
Unable to Unlink [EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN502.SPL]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN502.SPL")
Unable to Unlink [EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN503.SPL]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN503.SPL")
Unable to Unlink [EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN504.SPL]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN504.SPL")
Unable to Unlink [EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN505.SPL]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPIN505.SPL")
Unable to Unlink [EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPCL100.SPL]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/temp/patch/spl/ADD_SPELL/SPCL100.SPL")
Restoring backed-up [EET/backup/0/engine.lua]
EET/backup/0/engine.lua copied to engine.lua, 104 bytes
Restoring backed-up [EET/backup/0/pcu_dict.tph]
EET/backup/0/pcu_dict.tph copied to EET/lib/pcu_dict.tph, 89933 bytes
Restoring backed-up [EET/backup/0/Baldur.exe]
EET/backup/0/Baldur.exe copied to Baldur.exe, 5718016 bytes
Unable to Unlink [C:\Users\Bastian]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "C:\\Users\PC NAME")
Uninstalled 14406 files for [EET/EET.TP2] component 0.
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
Unable to Unlink [EET/backup/0/READLN.0]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/backup/0/READLN.0")
Unable to Unlink [EET/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT")
ERROR: Sys_error("C:\\Users\\PC NAME: Permission denied")
PLEASE email the file SETUP-EET.DEBUG to K4thos (swit)
Using Language [English]
[English] has 6 top-level TRA files
[EET/lang/en_US/prompts.tra] has 56 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/setup.tra] has 18 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/chapters.tra] has 95 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/dialog.tra] has 37 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/2da.tra] has 55 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/compatibility.tra] has 11 translation strings

Install Component [EET core (resource importation)]?
nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?
Installing [EET core (resource importation)] [1.0 RC12]



argv[0] = %argv[0]%

argv[1] = %argv[1]%
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[weidu.conf] loaded, 17 bytes

Creating 1 directory
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 2 files ...
[EET/other/cpmvars/eet_cpmvars.tpa] loaded, 59981 bytes
[EET/other/EET_functions.tph] loaded, 43945 bytes
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[EET/bgee_dir.txt] loaded, 16 bytes

d:/e/Beamdog/SOD directory assigned via EET/bgee_dir.txt
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copied [.../bgee_dir.txt] to [EET/bgee_dir.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!)
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[d:/e/Beamdog/SOD/weidu.conf] loaded, 17 bytes

Copying 1 file ...
Copied [.../blank.txt] to [WeiDU-BGSoD.log]
Copying 1 file ...
Copied [.../arch_var.bat] to [arch_var.bat]
[arch_var.txt] loaded, 8 bytes

arch_var = x86_64\

lua assigned to EET\bin\win32\x86_64\lua.exe

ffmpeg assigned to EET\bin\win32\ffmpeg.exe

weidu assigned to EET\bin\win32\x86_64\weidu.exe

TLK merging...
Copying 1 file ...
Copied [.../append.tra] to [EET/temp/append.tra] (NO BACKUP MADE!)
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[EET/temp/tlk_cnt.txt] loaded, 14 bytes
Copied [EET/temp/tlk_cnt.txt] to [EET/temp/tlk_cnt.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!)
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copied [.../string_set.tph] to [EET/temp/string_set.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!)

tlk_start = 103240; tlk_end = 271374
[EET/temp/string_set.tra] has 160375 translation strings
ERROR: No translation provided for @103240
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [EET core (resource importation)], rolling back to previous state
Unable to Unlink [EET/backup/0/OTHER.0]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "EET/backup/0/OTHER.0")
[EET/backup/0/UNSETSTR.0] SET_STRING uninstall info not found
Will uninstall 2 files for [EET/EET.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled 2 files for [EET/EET.TP2] component 0.
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 877618 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources
Unable to Unlink [EET/backup/0/READLN.0]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/backup/0/READLN.0")
Unable to Unlink [EET/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT")
ERROR: Not_found
PLEASE email the file SETUP-EET.DEBUG to K4thos (swit)
Using Language [English]
[English] has 6 top-level TRA files
[EET/lang/en_US/prompts.tra] has 56 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/setup.tra] has 18 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/chapters.tra] has 95 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/dialog.tra] has 37 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/2da.tra] has 55 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/compatibility.tra] has 11 translation strings

Install Component [EET core (resource importation)]?
nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?
Skipping [EET core (resource importation)]
Saving This Log:
6840892 characters, 168214 entries added to DIALOG.TLK
[.\lang\de_de\dialog.tlk] created, 271455 string entries
[.\lang\de_de\dialogf.tlk] created, 271455 string entries

NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS EET core (resource importation)

WeiDU Timings
<<<<<<<< 0.000
load TLK 0.000
resolve labels 0.000
parsing tlk-path files 0.000
find local string 0.000
strings to add 0.000
Parsing TP2 files 0.000
AT_EXIT 0.000
WITH_TRA 0.000
PRINT 0.000
Parsing TPP files 0.000
unmarshal BIFF 0.016
MKDIR 0.016
resolve strings 0.016
parsing .ids files 0.031
AT_NOW 0.031
stuff not covered elsewhere 0.031
BUT_ONLY 0.047
process .D files 0.063
TP_ALTER_TLK_* 0.063
APPEND 0.063
add strings to TLK 0.094
adding translation strings 0.109
unmarshal TLK 0.109
Parsing TPA files 0.125
unmarshal DLG 0.141
marshal and save TLK 0.188
marshal DLG 0.203
tp2 uninstall 0.484
MOVE 0.500
parsing .tra files 0.547
DELETE 0.688
marshal KEY 0.891
emit D 0.969
parsing .d files 1.406
loading files 1.813
parsing .baf files 2.125
COPY 2.125
BIFF 3.406
marshal BCS 5.031
saving files 5.219
unmarshal KEY 5.297
parsing .bcs files 6.078
eval_pe 10.906
READ_* 23.016
process_patch2 31.859
function overhead 35.797
TOTAL 147.047
Executing: [rmdir /s /q EET\temp]



Senior Member
Das habe ich in der FAQ wohl nicht richtig erklärt. Du hast die Beamdog Version richtig? Da ist es so, dass es BG1 ee gibt und SoD, das enthält nochmal das gesamte BG1 Spiel. Du musst den SoD Ordner modden. Allerdings sollte die Installation nicht daran scheitern, da auch ein ungemoddetes SoD benutzt werden kann. Was aber sein könnte ist, dass die EET bei dem ungemoddeten SoD die englische Sprachversion vorausgesetzt hat, du aber die deutsche, wenn diese auch nur für den BG1 Teil komplett funktioniert, eingestellt hast und es sich daran verschluckt hat. Ich würde im SoD Ordner mal nach der WeiDu Conf Datei schauen und diese löschen. Dann die gewünschten Mods installieren und es nochmal probieren. Ich habe das bei der Beschreibung vergessen, weil ich eine GoG Version habe, wo das DLC in die bestehende BG 1 Kopie integriert wird.


Senior Member
Öhm, wenn ich das richtig sehe, dann sollte der Fehler

Copied [EET/temp/path.txt] to [EET/temp/path.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!)
Copying 1 file ...
Copied [.../shortcut.bat] to [shortcut.bat] (NO BACKUP MADE!)
Copying 1 file ...
[EET/temp/EET.lnk] loaded, 904 bytes
ERROR: COPY ~EET/temp/EET.lnk~ ~C:\Users\MEIN PC~ FAILED: cannot open target

doch bedeuten, daß das ganz am Ende der tp2 passiert.
Zumindest ist dies lt. github-Seite das Ende, was mir relativ bekannt vorkommt.

COPY + ~.../shortcut.bat~ ~shortcut.bat~
AT_NOW ~shortcut.bat~
DELETE + ~shortcut.bat~
COPY ~%MOD_FOLDER%/temp/EET.lnk~ ~%dir%~

Theoretisch könnte man doch einfach den unteren Copy-Teil löschen und die Datei mit der Hand kopieren.
Oder man schreibt den Desktoppfad ( ~C:/Users/Bastian/Desktop/EET.lnk~ ) statt der Variablen (~%Dir%~) da rein. Zumindest liest die TP2 das vorher aus einer exportierten Registry-Datei.
Der Rest müsste ja funktioniert haben, oder?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Also im zweiten Versuch nach Morywens Ratschlag hatte ich dasselbe Ergebnis.
@Dabus: was muss ich nun genau wohin kopieren und in welcher Datei?
Mich wundert ja dieser
Unable to Unlink [EET/backup/0/READLN.0]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/backup/0/READLN.0")
Unable to Unlink [EET/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT")
ERROR: Sys_error("C:\\Users\\Bastian: Permission denied")
Permission denied klingt für mich so, als würde sich eine Firewall oder ähnliches querstellen. Ehrlich gesagt, ist das aber nur geraten...


Senior Member

zur Vorwarnung: Ich bin kein Programmierer, das ist nur eine allgemeine Idee für Programmierung.
Und da steht halt, daß er was in Richtung C:\Users\Mein PC kopieren will, was nicht klappt. Den Wert hat er sich vorher ermittelt.
Lt. der TP2 will er die Variable Dir aus der Registry lesen und da scheint was schief zu gehen. Insofern schreibst Du dem Programm den Pfad halt fix rein und dann sollte es klappen.

Die TP2 zur Installation ist lt. github die Datei https://github.com/K4thos/EET/blob/master/EET/EET.tp2 , dürfte bei Dir die EET\EET.tp2 sein.
Wenn Du da bis zum Ende gehst, siehst Du die vorletzte Zeile
COPY ~%MOD_FOLDER%/temp/EET.lnk~ ~%dir%~
Mach da mal das daraus:
COPY ~%MOD_FOLDER%/temp/EET.lnk~ ~C:/Users/Bastian/Desktop~

Zumindest ist das der Ordner, der oben im Log erwähnt wird und der Pfad zu Deinem Desktop-Ordner sein dürfte.
Bei mir hat der copy durch eine kurze selbst erstellte Test.tp2 auf meinen Desktop mit dem Pfad als auch mit dem Dateinamen als Ziel geklappt. Lt. Weidu-Dokumentation wird ohne eine Dateiendung im Namen der Pfad als Ordner interpretiert. Falls es bei Dir anders ist, schreibe halt das /EET.lnk mit in die Zielvorgabe.